Cinema & Media Studies

Salma Monani


Environmental Studies



Campus Box 2455


Science Center
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400




PhD University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2008
MA University of Colorado-Boulder, 2003
MS University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999
BA Mount Holyoke College, 1997

Academic Focus

Ecocinema, Journalism and Literature, Indigenous Rights (focus North America)

My teaching and research is in the environmental humanities, with a specific focus on cinema and other forms of media communication. I am currently working on a book project titled Indigenous Ecocinema, which shines a spotlight on the environmental dimensions of films made by contemporary Canadian First Nations’ filmmakers. This book furthers a long-standing interest I have in issues of environmental justice, media studies, and Indigenous peoples’ environmental concerns. These are all topics on which I have published extensively in peer-reviewed journals such as The Journal of Environmental Communication, Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment, and Studies in American Indian Literature. I am also co-editor on four collections that bring together ecomedia scholars, Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies: Conversations from Earth to Cosmos (Routledge/Literary Series, 2016); Ecomedia: Key Concepts (Routledge/Earthscan 2015); and Ecocinema Theory and Practice 1 and 2 (Routledge/AFI 2013 and 2022) .

I have been sharing these topics of interest with my students for many years. At Gettysburg College I routinely teach Environmental Film, Environmental Journalism, and an Introduction to Environmental Humanities course for majors. In these classes, as well as my Food Studies seminars, I draw on my interdisciplinary academic background to situate the humanities as an important and necessary complement to the natural sciences’ and social sciences’ study of the environment. Through readings, hands-on activities, independent projects, and field trips, students engage with stories, ethics, and histories of how and why humans perceive and interact with the world the way they do. I hope to inspire students to apply this knowledge in the present, and imagine (and act to ensure) environmentally sustainable futures.

As an undergraduate student at a liberal arts college, I really benefited from working with faculty on research. As a faculty member now, I love being able to collaborate with students on projects with real-world applications and academic import. I am delighted to see students’ partake in independent research that is subsequently published in peer-reviewed journals, or showcased in other reputable outlets. To learn more, do explore my website. (Especially, check out all the cool student projects on the Teaching page; and if your interest is sparked, don't hesitate to be in touch!)


Courses Taught