Interdisciplinary Studies

Stephanie A. Sellers

Adjunct Professor

Interdisciplinary Studies



Campus Box 0397


Breidenbaugh Hall
Room 401
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400


PhD Union Institute & University, 2005
MFA Goddard College, 1996
Other Wilson College. Teaching Certificate. Secondary English, 1994
BA The American University, 1992

Academic Focus

Native American Studies and Women & Gender Studies

Stephanie A. Sellers is a Native American Studies educator who teaches Indigenous literatures in the English Department and topics in Native Studies in the Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies Programs at Gettysburg College. Sellers holds a doctorate in Native American Studies with an emphasis on Women of the Eastern Woodlands, the first faculty member of the College to do so. Sellers studied with traditional Indigenous Elders who served on her doctoral committee. She has been at the College since 2000, and has designed and teaches 5 courses in the Native American Studies discipline. Sellers was the Inaugural Director of the Gettysburg College Women's Center from 2009--2014 and served on the Academic Steering Committee of the WGS Program for many years. In 2013 she was awarded the College's Faculty Award for Community-Based Engagement.

Dr. Sellers's has published four books: Native American Autobiography Redefined in 2007 by Peter LangUSA who also published her second book, Native American Women's Studies Primer in 2008. In 2017, she co-edited a volume of writings of Indigenous authors primarily of the Native American Literary Renaissance era titled Weaving the Legacy: Remembering Paula Gunn Allen. In 2023, North Atlantic Books published Dr. Sellers's critical work titled Daughters Healing from Family Mobbing on global anti-female family-enacted violence that has been distributed internationally by Penguin Random House.

Sellers served on the 2024 awards committee for the Beatrice Medicine Literary Award for the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures. She was on the planning committee at Dickinson College for the Carlisle Indian Boarding School Conference in 2012. She co-founded with GC students the Students for Indigenous Awareness Club in 2017 and was its first Faculty Advisor. Sellers served as the GC Senior Advisor to the Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Committee until 2022. She was also a Founding Board of Director on the Collegiate Women's Leadership Educators Association of the American Association of University Women (2012--2016) in Washington, D.C. During this time, she worked closely with Gettysburg College's Garthwait Leadership Center developing the Women's Leadership Certificate. 

Sellers contributed a chapter in the important Routledge Companion to Native American Literature in 2015. Her recent scholarship on Indigenous Feminisms is included in The Routledge Introduction to Feminist Thought and Action (2019), which won the Routledge 2019 Outstanding Book in the Humanities and Social Sciences Award and the 2019 Outstanding Textbook in the Social Sciences Award.

Courses Taught