Marta Maras
Assistant Professor
Room 407
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400
BA University of Zagreb
MS Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
PhD Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Academic Focus
Behavioral and experimental economics and finance, prosocial behavior, altruism, social norms and strategic decision making
Prof. Marta Maras holds a PhD in Economics and Management degree from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, with specialization in behavioral decision making. Prior to joining the Management Department as an Assistant Professor, she taught in the Economics Department at Gettysburg as a Visiting Assistant Professor, in the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, and was a Visiting Professor in the Economics Department at the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests include behavioral and experimental economics and finance, prosocial behavior, altruism, social norms and strategic decision making. She focuses on the decision-making processes behind pro-social and financial behavior of individuals. By using experimental methodology in the laboratory, online, field and natural settings, in Europe and the US, she explores factors in the environment of individuals that make them more prone to certain biases, to act irrationally or in contrast, more pro-socially and generously. She is affiliated with the Gettysburg Lab for Experimental Economics (GLEE) and the Behavioral Ethics Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. Courses she has taught at Gettysburg include Statistical Methods, Policy and Strategy, Decision Making, Research Methods, Finance, Principles of Microeconomics and Advanced Topics in Theoretical and Applied Microeconomics.