Radost Rangelova
Edwin T. Johnson and Cynthia Shearer Johnson Distinguished Teaching Chair in the Humanities&AssoProf
Room 34
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400
PhD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2009
Radost Rangelova received her PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research focuses on Caribbean literature and film, gender and sexuality, cultural geography and national discourses. Her recent publications address the construction of space in Hispanic Caribbean literature and film, the intersections of race, gender and power in the work of Afro-Puerto Rican writers, and the emergence of alternative communities around issues of gender, sexuality and solidarity in Caribbean cultural texts.
Gendered Geographies in Puerto Rican Cutlure: Spaces, Sexualities, Solidarities. University of North Carolina Press, 2016.
“La ciudad de la mujer: Solidaridad y resistencia en el salón de belleza.” Letras Femeninas XXXIX.1 (Verano 2013): 107-122.
"Writing Words, Wearing Wounds: Race and Gender in a Puerto Rican Neo-Slave Narrative." Tinkuy: Boletín de investigación y debate. 18 (2012): 150-159.
Book Review. Gisela Heffes. Las ciudades imaginarias en la literatura latinoamericana. Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2008. 283 pp. Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Languages 65.4 (Winter 2011): 312-315.
“Espacios femeninos y sexualidades insubordinadas en los cuentos de Mayra Santos Febres.” Lección errante: Mayra Santos Febres y el Caribe contemporáneo. Puerto Rico: Editorial Isla Negra, 2011: 81-97.
“Nationalism, States of Exception and Caribbean Identities in Sirena Selena vestida de pena and ‘Loca la de la locura,’” CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Spring 2007.
- Spanish 378 Contemporary Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean: Gender and Sexuality
- Spanish 345 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis
- Spanish 320 Literary Topics: Latin America
- Spanish 307 Latin American Cultural Topics: Caribbean Cultures
- Spanish 201 Intermediate Spanish I
- Spanish 400 Senior Capstone: Spaces, Politics and Identities in Contemporary Hispanic Literature
- First Year Seminar 133 Gender and Politics in Latin America
- LAS 220 Detective Fiction in Latin America
- LAS 268 Gender and Sexuality in Latino Cinema