Two former members of the Skeptical Chymists club were the 2017 recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Awards.
Chemistry major John A. Hohneker ’81 is a medical oncologist whose work in drug discovery and development led to the introduction of 14 new drugs to treat cancer and other serious diseases. Hohneker is president of research and development for FORMA Therapeutics. Inga Holl Musselman ’82, professor of chemistry and interim provost at the University of Texas– Dallas holds—or has pending—six patents for scientific innovations. Her advanced microscopy methods and study of materials structure have garnered numerous prestigious research grants.
Distinguished Alumni Awards are presented on Commencement weekend. Later in May, alumni gathered to recognize six honorees at Reunion 2017: MacGregor “Mac” Jones ’67 and Sarah Hitch Burdi ’87 were recognized for Meritorious Service. Young Alumni in Service awards for volunteer support of the College were made to Troy M. Cassel ’02 and Frederick D. Reimer ’07.
Young Alumni Achievement in Career Development awards went to Kimberly Wojcik ’02, a special agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Alan Manning ’02, an executive vice president at the nonprofit Planetree and cofounder and vice president of Kisses from Katie.
The Alumni Association welcomes the assistance of all alumni in identifying candidates for future awards. Complete the online form or contact us at or 717-337-6518.