Phishing Alert: [BULK] Notification N69297

Date Sent: Mar 1, 2022

Phishing Summary:

This phishing email attempts to trick recipients into believing FedEx has a message for them. The email tries to convince you to follow the links by claiming required information to view the message is needed.

Spotting the Phishing

The senders email does not resemble FedEx at all. Images and branding can be faked or stolen, a check of the links URL will tell you that the site is a fake. Hovering the mouse over “Click here”, “View Messages”, and “unsubscribe” all point to the same URL, which does not point to FedEx.

What should you do if you receive a Phishing Scam?

  • Don't reply
  • Don't click on any links
  • Don't open any attachments
  • Report as spam or immediately delete the email

What should you do if you accidentally clicked on any of the links?

  • Immediately change your password, scan your device for viruses and contact the IT Helpdesk or by calling 717.337.7000