Recruitment Policies


Fraternities, sororities, andtheir members are expected to engage in safe and inclusive practices that positively impact the campus community and respect the dignity and well-being of all community members when recruiting potential new members to their organizations.

Recruitment Event Definition

Events, activities, and gatherings sponsored by a fraternity or sorority will be considered a recruitment event if:

  • The organization or its members designate or refer to the event, formally or informally, as a recruitment event;
  • The event is held during a primary recruitment period or formal recruitment where potential new members are present;
  • The event’s primary purpose is to attract or recruit prospective new members;
  • The majority of non-member attendees are students that could be prospective new members;
  • Invitations of membership or bids are extended during the event;
  • Attendees believe the event is a recruitment event;
  • Attendees believe they must be at the event in order to be considered for membership in the organization; or
  • A person could reasonably believe that the event, activity, or gathering was part of the recruitment efforts of an organization.

Registering Recruitment Events

All recruitment events sponsored by an organization must be registered using the College’s online scheduling software.

Alcohol use During Recruitment Activities

Alcohol is not permitted at any recruitment events or activities even if those present are of legal drinking age.

Formal Recruitment and Bid Day Dates

The Office of Student Activities & Greek Life will set the dates for formal recruitment and bid day in the fall semester based on the academic calendar and the College’s religious holiday observance guidelines.

The Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council will be responsible for setting a bid day in the spring semester based on the academic calendar and the College’s religious holiday observance guidelines.

Bid Extension Requirements

Organizations may only extend bids to students that have completed the recruitment registration process and whose eligibility to join a fraternity or sorority has been confirmed by the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life. 

Bid Extension Activities

Chapters that give out bids outside of a formal recruitment process must abide by the following policies when distributing them:

  • Bids may be given starting after 11:00 am on the day designated as Bid Day during a given semester.
  • If bids are being handed out on a day other than the designated Bid Day, the chapter must notify the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life of their plan to distribute them.
  • Chapter members are permitted to travel in groups no larger than fifteen (15) to hand out bids but may send multiple groups out.
  • The following actions are not permitted:
    • Any violation of College policies
    • Knocking on individual room or common area windows
    • Creating excessive noise including by screaming or playing music
    • Vandalism
    • Public drunkenness
    • Transport or consumption of alcohol
    • Causing disruptions for building residents
    • Forced entry into a building including entering a building through a window

Chapters may not sponsor events with alcohol on the day they hand out bids. Chapters and members may also not endorse, promote, or require new member attendance at events or gatherings with alcohol on that day.

Bid or Membership Invitation Reporting

Organizations must provide the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life a list of students the chapter intends to offer a bid or membership invitation to before bids are handed out. The chapter must also notify the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life when a student accepts their bid within 48 hours of their acceptance.