Gettysburg College seeks to establish and maintain an environment that provides for the development of the whole student with an emphasis on inquiry, integrity, mutual respect, wellness, and belonging. Further, and consistent with its mission, Gettysburg College fosters respect for the rights and dignity of all students in support of an inclusive community. The College expects its students to conduct themselves in all places and at all times in such a manner as to show respect for themselves, others, and the community. This document outlines the expectations for behavior of all students. Gettysburg College students are members of the campus, local, and global communities and are expected to abide by the College’s policies at all times. When behavior is inconsistent with the expectations of students, the College will follow a process for resolution including imposing sanctions designed for students to learn from their choices, inform future decision making, and restore the community.
The Community Standards apply to students at all times at all locations of the College, including affiliated programs in other states and countries. Students are expected to follow the expectations of behavior on College premises and at College sponsored activities, on and off campus. Each student is responsible for their behavior during the academic year and break periods. Students may seek to withdraw from the College when a policy violation has been reported to the College but not yet resolved; if a student seeks reinstatement after electing a withdrawal due to a pending conduct matter, the outstanding matter will need to be resolved prior to reinstatement. Students who may have violated policy while on an academic suspension, leave of absence or withdrawal period may be subject to the provisions of the Community Standards when seeking reinstatement. The College requires students to adhere to the Community Standards when they are:
- Admitted to the College and have made their deposit indicating enrollment at the College;
- Taking courses at the College, either full-time or part-time;
- On a leave of absence or serving an academic suspension otherwise having a continuing relationship with the College but not enrolled for a particular term;
- Living in College residence halls although not enrolled at the College; or
- Enrolled in the Gilder Lehrman Program.
Conduct that falls within the College’s Title IX Policy or the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy will be addressed under those Policies.
The Vice President for College Life is responsible for administering and interpreting the policies and processes falling under the College’s Community Standards. The Vice President may delegate responsibilities to the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities or others, to investigate and resolve reported violations of College policy. The Vice President may also adjust procedures as necessary in order to promote a prompt, fair, and equitable resolution of complaints. The College also reserves the right to take immediate action to address matters posing a threat to the safety of any individual or disruption to the campus community.
Any member of the College community can file a report with the College if they have information about an alleged violation of policy. Reports of alleged policy violations may be made to Campus Safety, College Life, Residential Education, Title IX Office, or through the Non-Academic Misconduct Form online. The College encourages good-faith reporting of incidents that may violate the Community Standards. The person who is alleged to have been the target of the behavior in question is called the complaining party or Complainant. The complaining party may be any member of the College community, including students, faculty, other employees or the College itself. The person who is alleged to have violated policy is called the responding party or Respondent.
Student conduct that violates this policy may also result in criminal investigations, charges, prosecution or conviction by authorities other than the College or civil court actions. The College may proceed with its conduct process independent of or in addition to any civil or criminal litigation in court or criminal arrest and prosecution. The College generally will pursue a resolution through its conduct process rather than delay its proceedings until the resolution of criminal or civil proceedings. A student choosing to withdraw from the College while facing a College conduct proceeding and criminal charges will have to resolve the alleged violation and the College conduct proceeding prior to readmission to the College.