1. General
Upon matriculation, students, individually and collectively, become members of an educational community. Students have the right to formal participation in a student government by means of which they may express their opinions and influence the policy of the institution. Students have the right to determine the structures of said government.
2. Representation
Students, through membership in certain faculty and College committees, and through representation at faculty meetings, shall have the opportunity to participate in the formulation and application of institutional policy affecting academic and student affairs. Students shall have the right to participate in the selection of the student representatives to such bodies. Since the actions of its members reflect on the College community, students have the responsibility to uphold the standards of that community.
In exercising their right to participate in student governance, student representatives have the responsibility to:
- Participate seriously in good faith.
- Gather the views of their constituents and relay these views to the committees, commissions, and boards on which they serve.
- Communicate and interpret to their constituent’s matters under consideration and actions taken.
- Serve and respond to their constituents.
- Abide by the decisions of these committees, commissions, and boards.
The student body, like other College constituencies, has the responsibility to be informed, to communicate its concerns and desires to its representatives, and to abide by the decisions of College governance bodies.
Grievance Procedures
Where there are not clearly established procedures for redress of student grievances involving the rights and policies in this document, a student may appeal to the Vice President for College Life or designee. The Vice President for College Life or designee will determine an appropriate means by which to address these concerns.