

The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Community Standards. More than one of the sanctions listed below may be imposed for any single violation. In addition, when determining the appropriate sanctions, the Student Conduct Administrator may take previous violations or sanctions imposed in a prior formal (conference/administrative hearing) resolution process into account.

  • Formal Warning. A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated the Community Standards.
  • Restitution and Fines. Compensation for loss, damage, injury or assessment of a monetary fine for violating Community Standards. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
  • Educational Sanctions. A student may be required to participate in an educational program to enhance their learning from the behavior exhibited during the incident. Other discretionary sanctions include, but are not limited to, work assignments, essays, alcohol and drug assessment or substance use advising, service to the College, community service, or other related discretionary assignments.
  • Loss of Privileges. Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of position in club or organization, suspension from athletic team or performing group, loss of privileges to use specified facilities, prohibition from participation in co-curricular activities, loss of privilege to live in a residence hall or participate in a housing lottery process, loss of privilege to join a fraternity or sorority, restricted access to a fraternity chapter house or campus residence. For graduating seniors this can include the loss of living on campus after finals and loss of participation in Commencement exercises.
  • No-Contact Directive. Defined as having no direct or indirect contact, including through a third party, with another party or parties at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, communication that is written, verbal, or physical. Written communication is understood to include all electronic means of communication; including, but not limited to, email, instant messaging, private messaging through social media and text messaging. Verbal communication is understood to include phone calls and voice mail messages. A No-Contact Directive may include additional restrictions and terms. Violations of the No-Contact Directive may result in additional resolution processes and sanctions.
  • Behavioral Contract. The Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities or other, designated member of the College Life staff may meet with a student to develop a behavioral contract. This is an agreement between the student and College outlining the behaviors or tasks a student is to perform or avoid, the criteria for an acceptable level of performance or completion, the reinforcement/support (i.e., activities, privileges, or resources available to the student), and the timeline for completion. Violation of any of the terms outlined in the Behavioral Contract may result in further disciplinary action.
  • Restorative Justice Conference. Brings together the person(s) who was harmed and those who caused the harm. The purpose of the conference or circle is to allow for those who caused harm to hear from the harmed party and learn how they can repair the harm caused. At the conclusion of the restorative justice conference a voluntary agreement is made with input from all parties to ensure no further harm is caused.
  • Notification of Parents/Guardian, Coach or Center for Student Success. Written notification to individual or office informing the individual of the violations and the outcomes of resolution process.
  • Conduct Probation. A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions, such as suspension or expulsion, if the student is found to have further violated the Community Standards. During the probationary period, students on probation are not permitted to live off-campus, join a social fraternity or sorority, or study off-campus.
  • Residential Relocation. Students may be assigned to a different residential space on campus if they violate policy, cause harm to individuals in the community, or demonstrate an inability to continue living in their current community or room.
  • Residential Separation. Separation of the student from the residence halls for a defined period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission to the residence halls may be specified.
  • Restrictions from College activities and/or facilities. A student may be denied participation in a College activity or privilege for which they may be otherwise eligible as the Vice President of College Life or their designee determine to be appropriate. Students may also be prohibited from certain facilities including, but not limited to, academic buildings, fraternities, campus social spaces, athletic facilities and/or practice and competition spaces, and transportation services. This could include class schedule changes or work/job assignment changes due to a restriction from a location or activity.
  • Work or job assignment changes. Changes to a student’s work or job assignment (including internships) may be made in the event it is deemed appropriate by the Vice President of College Life or the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
  • College Suspension. Separation of the student from the College for a defined period of time, after which the student is eligible to seek reinstatement. Conditions for readmission may be specified including, but not limited to, restitution of damages, counseling requirements, community service, and a formal apology. Students who are suspended forfeit all fees that have been paid to the College; are ineligible to visit the campus (including fraternity chapter houses) or participate in College activities. In addition, a ‘suspension’ notation is placed on their College transcript until the term of suspension has expired; the notation is changed to ‘withdrew’ after suspension ends if the student does not return. Students who wish to return from a suspension must seek reinstatement as outlined in the Academic Procedures section of the Handbook.
  • College Expulsion. Permanent separation of the student from the College. In addition, an “expulsion” notation is placed on the College transcript.
  • Revocation of Admission. Gettysburg College may revoke admission to admitted and/or deposited students for fraud, misrepresentation, violation of the Community Standards, or for other serious acts of misconduct. The Vice President of Enrollment and Educational Services will handle all revocations with consultation from the Vice President for College Life or designee.
  • Revocation of Degree. Gettysburg College reserves the right to revoke a degree awarded from the College for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violations of College standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation.