Sanctioning Guidelines


The table below provides general sanctioning recommendations by level of violation. This table is meant to serve as a guideline only and does not limit the College’s discretion and right to impose any particular sanction or sanctions as it deems appropriate based upon the facts and circumstances of a particular matter. There will be times that a violation may fall under a different level than the one listed below or an alternative sanction is most appropriate. Each sanctioning determination will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Level One Violations


Potential Sanctions (may be one or more of the options below depending on severity of incident and conduct history)

Possession/consumption of alcohol

Public drunkenness (for students over age 21)

Possession of open container of alcohol

Providing alcohol to an underage person

Possession or use of marijuana

Hosting in your place of residence an event with alcohol or marijuana

Damaging college property or property of another


Educational Sanctions (Online alcohol or marijuana module, BASICS, Counseling Assessment, Written, Video or Audio Reflection, Follow Up Meeting or Conversations about Goal Setting and Planning, Research Project, Amends with Impacted Parties including a written or in person apology and meeting)

Parental/Guardian Notification

Coach Notification

Center for Student Success Notification

Restorative Justice Conference

No contact directive

Actively participating in any drinking games – this could include setting up the game, playing the game, filling/refilling drinks of individuals playing, cheering and encouraging others to participate in the game, serving in an oversight role to the game being played. 

Failure to cooperate with a college official or local law enforcement official.

Disruptive conduct/public behavior (excessive public noise, public urination, screaming/cursing in public, arrest, other forms of public disorderly conduct

Possession or use of a false identification card and/or providing false information to a college official

Abuse of the conduct system

Animals on campus

Information technology policies

Residential guidebook violations

Failure to comply

Life/fire safety violations – failure to evacuate, covering a smoke detector, possessing candles and incense


Violation of other college policies

Level Two Violations


Potential Sanctions (may be one or more of the options below depending on severity of incident and conduct history)

3rd Level One Violation

Probation for one semester

Prohibited from studying in an off campus/study abroad program

Prohibited from joining a Greek organization

Prohibited from living off campus


Loss of Privileges

Behavioral Contract

Educational Sanctions (BASICS, Counseling Assessment, Written, Video or Audio Reflection, Follow Up Meeting or Conversations about Goal Setting and Planning, Research Project, Amends with Impacted Parties including a written or in person apology and meeting)

No contact directive

Hosting in your place of residence an event with distilled spirits, alcohol energy drinks, or synthetic marijuana

Possession of a large common source of alcohol (keg, barrel, punch, alcohol/juice)

Life/fire safety violations

Minor theft – taking items from campus retail (bullet hole, bookstore) without properly paying

Minor vandalism

Disrespect of property

Unauthorized fraternity or sorority membership

Unauthorized recording

Level Three Violations


Potential Sanctions (may be one or more of the options below depending on severity of incident and conduct history)

4th Level One Violation

2nd Level Two Violation



Revocation of degree

No contact directive

Residential relocation

Residential separation

Behavioral contract

Facilitated conversation with impacted parties

Drinking and Driving (DUI) (includes on bike or electronic scooter)

Possession or use of illegal drugs other than marijuana

Harassment and bullying

Drugs (selling/distributing)

Harm to persons


Major theft

Major vandalism

Weapons and explosives

Abuse of animals


Violations of law

Network use policy violation


Disclosure to Crime Victims

Upon written request, Gettysburg College will disclose to the victim the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College regarding allegations that would constitute a crime of violence or a non- forcible sex offense.

Parent/Guardian Notification

For cases involving reported conduct where: (A) a student is alleged to have committed acts that would, if proven, constitute the following offenses or attempts to commit the following offenses including Arson, Assault Offenses, Burglary, Criminal Homicide- manslaughter by negligence, Criminal homicide- murder and non-negligent manslaughter, Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of property, Kidnapping/abduction, Robbery, or Forcible Sex Offenses; and, (B) the allegations have been addressed through the procedures set forth in this Policy; and (C) through those procedures, the student has been determined to have violated this Policy, the College may notify the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) of the final result of the disciplinary proceeding. The disclosure of the final result will only include the name of the student, the violation committed and any sanction imposed by the College against the student.