Major & Minor

Requirements for the Anthropology Major

The Anthropology major consists of 5 required and 5 elective courses.

Core Courses - All students are required to take the following courses:

ANTH 103: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 106: Introduction to Archaeology and Physical Anthropology

ANTH 300: History of Anthropological Theory

ANTH 323: Field Methods in Cultural Anthropology OR
ANTH 324: Field Methods in Archaeology

ANTH 400: Capstone Experience in Anthropology (ONLY offered in the spring semester)

Students must earn a minimum of a C-minus in ANTH 103 and 106. No course may be taken Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

Electives - The five electives may be chosen from 200- and 300-level Anthropology courses.

At least one elective must be a 300-level course. Students who take both methods courses (ANTH 323 and 324) may count one of them as a 200-level elective. Up to two courses taken while studying abroad may count as 200-level electives subject to departmental approval. 400-level courses (Individualized Study, including internships and tutorials) do not generally count as electives. No course may be taken Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

Requirements for the Anthropology Minor

The Anthropology minor consists of six courses:

Anth 103: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Anth 106: Introduction to Archaeology and Physical Anthropology

Students in the minor are required to take ONE of the following three courses:

  • Anth 300: History of Anthropological Theory
  • Anth 323: Field Methods in Cultural Anthropology
  • Anth 324: Field Methods in Archaeology

3 electives which may include 200- and 300-level Anthropology courses. Students who take two of above required 300-level courses (ANTH 300, ANTH 323 or ANTH 324) may count one of them as an elective.

One course taken while studying abroad may count as a 200-level elective for the minor subject to departmental approval.

Students must earn a minimum of a C-minus in ANTH 103 and 106. No course may be taken Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).