The Department of Art and Art History promises to continue building a diverse and welcoming community that values and supports all members equally. We strive to support faculty and students who revitalize our courses and studios by challenging the assumptions of our disciplines and institutional legacy. We embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion and anti-racism as core values of our scholarly, creative, and pedagogical work. Collectively, we oppose all forms of discrimination.
We reaffirm and express through our teaching, scholarship, and creative activities our openness to art of all peoples from all times. We promote awareness of art within a global context and embrace the diversity that continues to expand in contemporary art practices of today. Moreover, we believe that challenging our discipline’s racist, sexist, ableist, classist, cisgendered, and heteronormative roots is central to our pedagogical mission. As a department, we commit to questioning, revising, and renewing our disciplines and to rejecting inherited assumptions and habits of mind.