Meg Blume-Kohout
Associate Professor
PhD (Policy Analysis) Pardee RAND Graduate School, 2009
MS (Environ. Health Sci.) University of California, Berkeley, 2002
BA (Economics) Williams College, 1996
Academic Focus
Applied Econometrics, Public Policy Analysis, Health Economics, Science Policy, STEM Higher Education and Workforce, Entrepreneurship
Government legislation, policies, and regulations—however well-intentioned—often result in unintended consequences. Professor Blume-Kohout is an economist, public policy analyst, and data scientist who employs theory and quantitative modeling approaches drawn from multiple disciplines—economics, psychology, sociology, statistics, and computer science—to answer public policy questions. Her research examines how government interventions impact STEM workforce participation, higher education, scientific R&D efforts and innovation, and entrepreneurial outcomes.
Courses Taught
Article Entrepreneurship Lock and the Demand for Health Insurance: Evidence from the US Affordable Care Act (2024) ILR Review 77 (2): 199-226.
Article The Affordable Care Act and Women's Self-Employment in the United States (2023) Feminist Economics 29 (1): 174-204.
Article The Case of the Interrupting Funder: Dynamic Effects of R&D Funding and Patenting in U.S. Universities (2023) Journal of Technology Transfer 48 (4): 1221-1242.
Article Incentivizing STEM Participation: Evidence from the SMART Grant Program with Jacob Scott. (2022) Southern Economic Journal 89 (2): 373-405.
Book On What Basis? Seeking Effective Practices in Graduate STEM Education Commissioned Paper for National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Article Training the Scientific Workforce: Does Funding Mechanism Matter? with Dadhi Adhikari. Research Policy, 45(6): 1291-1303.
Article Why Are Some Foreign-Born Workers More Entrepreneurial Than Others? Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(6): 1327-1353.
Article Analyzing NIH Funding Patterns over Time with Statistical Text Analysis AAAI Workshops, March 2016.
Book When Going Gets Tough: Barriers and Motivations Affecting Arts Attendance with Sara R. Leonard & Jennifer Novak-Leonard. National Endowment for the Arts Report no. 59.
Article Effects of Federal Research Funding on Formation of University-Firm Biopharmaceutical Alliances with Krishna Kumar, Chris Lau, & Neeraj Sood. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(5): 859-876.
Article University R&D Funding Strategies in a Changing Federal Funding Environment with Krishna Kumar & Neeraj Sood. Science & Public Policy, 42(3): 355-368.
Article Are Graduate Students Rational? Evidence from the Market for Biomedical Scientists PLoS ONE 8(12): e82759.
Article Market Size and Innovation: Effects of Medicare Part D on Pharmaceutical Research and Development with Neeraj Sood. Journal of Public Economics, 97:327-336
Article Does Targeted, Disease-Specific Public Research Funding Influence Pharmaceutical Innovation? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 31(3): 641-660