
Sue Holz

Academic Administrative Assistant




Campus Box 0391


339 Carlisle St.
Room 101
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400


BA Gettysburg College, 2019

As the Academic Administrative Assistant in the Economics Dept. since 2000, I support 11 tenure track faculty, a distinguished lecturer, two visiting faculty and several adjuncts. As the largest major on campus with 208 majors and 22 minors, I coordinate all extracurricular programming for our students.

I am the unofficial photographer of the department, and the web liaison responsible for updating our department webpage and keeping our Facebook and Instagram pages current. As the treasurer for our two honor societies, Omicron Delta Epsilon and Pi Lambda Sigma, I work directly with the advisors to identify students who are eligible to join these organizations and process their applications.

As the lab manager for GLEE (Gettysburg Laboratory for Experimental Economists), I work with faculty and staff to schedule economic experiments being conducted in the lab. I have been elected to Support Staff Council for three terms; a member of the Wellness Committee, Campus Climate Committee, IDEA Council, and a Welcome Ambassador.  I received the college’s Pillar of the Year award twice, “For Going Above and Beyond.” As a senior art major, I recently applied and received an Entrepreneurial Fellowship to start Clay Creations at the college bookstore to sell student artwork with the majority of the proceeds going back to the artists.