Banner Carrier: awarded to the graduating major with the highest GPA in French. The student will carry the banner of the French department on graduation day.
French Cultural Counselor’s Award: established by the Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy, this distinction is awarded to a graduating major in French who has demonstrated both excellence in French coursework and active involvement in the French program during his or her studies at Gettysburg College.
Fredric Michelman Outstanding Departmental Service Award: awarded on occasion when a graduating senior has shown extraordinary involvement and initiative in the intellectual and cultural life of the French program during his or her studies at Gettysburg College.
Pi Delta Phi (French Honor Society): rising seniors with a major in French who have at least a GPA of 3.0 and are ranked in the top 30 percent of their graduating class are eligible. Learn More
Fulbright Fellowships: highly selective and prestigious awards to do research or teach English in many countries around the world, including a host of Francophone countries. Learn More
Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF): this highly selective program coordinated by the French government offers recent American graduates the opportunity to teach English and share American cultural perspectives in French schools (from the elementary to high school level). Learn More
Outstanding Language Learner Distinction: awarded to First Year Students who place in a 300-level French course their first semester and receive a minimum of A- for the class.