Masters Hall
Room 205
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400
BS University of New Mexico, 2001
PhD Dartmouth College, 2011
Academic Focus
Observational astronomy, multiwavelength observations and interpretations of galaxy clusters, Data Science
I am an observational astrophysicist and cosmologist and am currently employed as an assistant professor of physics at Gettysburg College. The question that drives my research is this: what is the true nature of gravity? The 20th century showed, among other things, that our model for gravity, the Newtonian model, was just a specific case of a more general theory for gravity developed by Einstein. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, as it is called, predicts that what we see as gravity is actually the manifestation of a 4-dimenstional curvature in space. In the extreme limits of this model, this curvature can affect how all matter, and even light, moves through that space.
I study galaxy clusters and, in particular, when galaxy clusters collide with one another. These collisions represent one of the most extreme environments within which we can examine whether the gravitational force as we know it on smaller spatial scales (like the size of our solar system or even our galaxy), does an acceptable job of predicting galaxy motions on the largest scales. In this way, I am using observations to constrain our theory for gravity with the hope of revealing something deeper in its nature.
I am also very interested in undergraduate education, particularly astronomy education. I have seen astronomy inspire students to creatively think through questions moreso than any other discipline. Astronomy thrives off curiosity, and it is my goal, more than any other, to inspire curiosity in my students. For those already curious, I try to instill in them the critical thinking and reasoning skills to dissemintate and contextualize the vast array of information available, so that they may incorporate that information into their world view and beyond.
Courses Taught
Study of our solar system, its origin, structure, and uniqueness of its varied objects. The history and physical principles underlying astronomical observation will be covered. Students will develop analytical skills, apply physical principles to astronomical phenomena, and learn observational and laboratory technique. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Prerequisite: Facility with algebra and geometry. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
Study of stars and the universe as a whole, its origin, structure, and uniqueness of its varied objects. The history and physical principles underlying astronomical observation will be covered. Students will develop analytical skills, apply physical principles to astronomical phenomena, and learn observational and laboratory technique. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Three class hours and three laboratory hours. Prerequisite: Facility with algebra and geometry.
Data scientists apply methods from statistics, data analysis, computer science, and machine learning in order to gain insight from data. In Data Science Programming, we focus on developing the programming and machine learning skills necessary to gain such insight. Through experiential learning, we equip students with the fundamental computer problem-solving skills and tools to clean raw data, engineer data features, build statistical and machine learning models, predict unknown values and/or discern patterns, and present data insights.
Advanced treatment of data science concepts. Through a series of case studies, students explore datasets from a variety of domains and extract meaningful information and insights using mathematical, computational, and other scientific methods and algorithms. Topics include the fundamental algorithms of data science: regression, decision trees, support vector machines, clustering, and neural networks. Through a semester-long project, students demonstrate knowledge of fundamental data science concepts and ability to interpret and communicate effectively the results of the analysis.
Is science fiction science fact? While science fiction may be limited only by the author's imagination, the draw of the genre for many is in the tantalizing possibilities of reality among the fiction. Spaceships, powered by faster than light technology, ferry humans to other worlds in the distant future where they encounter creatures beyond our comprehension. Our current technology is producing learning machines that are changing the landscape of artificial intelligence and blurring the lines between the real and artificial worlds. Some of the most fantastic ideas, once relegated only to science fiction, are now (or will soon be) part of our every day reality. While much of science fiction is just that: fiction, some of these stories have taken from, and even inspired, great works of real science. This course draws from the cannon of modern cinematic and literary science fiction to observe how well these works obey, or do not obey, the physical laws of nature. Prepare yourself for the real world of science fiction where, as Carl Sagan said, "there are wonders enough out there without our inventing any.”
General algebra-based coverage of the fields of classical and modern physics. Topics include kinematics, mechanics, fluids, and thermodynamics. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for students in biology, environmental science, the health professions. Prerequisite: Sophomore status and facility with algebra and geometry. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
General algebra-based coverage of the fields of classical and modern physics. Topics include waves, optics, electricity, magnetism, and topics from modern physics. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for students in biology, environmental science, the health professions. Prerequisite: Physics 103 and facility with algebra and geometry. Three class hours and three laboratory hours
An introduction to mechanics and modern physics: the conservation of momentum, energy, and angular momentum as fundamental laws, Newton’s dynamical laws of motion, and the special theory of relativity. Four class hours and three laboratory hours. Prospective physics majors or students interested in dual-degree engineering. Open to first-year students; sophomore students interested in the physics major may enroll with permission of instructor.
Quarter credit internship graded S/U.
Temperature, heat, first and second laws of thermodynamics, and introductory statistical mechanics of physical systems based on the principle of maximum entropy. Topics include the ideal gas, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein 'gases,' electrons in metals, blackbody radiation, low temperature physics, and elements of transport theory. Prerequisite: Physics 211. Three class hours.
An introduction to the acquisition, processing and analysis of astronomical images. Obtaining a science-quality astronomical image requires knowledge of photons’ complete path from their source through the telescope and finally onto the detector. Along this path, the light may be attenuated or contaminated by various sources (atmospheric, mechanical and electronic). In order to produce images that most faithfully represent the light from a source, students identify and account for all of these sources of contamination. Prerequisites: Physics 211, Physics 110 or permission of instructor.
Topics in physics not covered in the usual curriculum. Topics vary from year to year and may include relativity; astrophysics; advanced topics in modern optics, solid state physics and electromagnetism; fundamental particles and nuclear structure; the physics of plasmas and various mathematical topics in physics (topology, special functions, fractals). Prerequisites: Upper division standing and approval by instructor. Three class hours
Capstone course in physics that teaches advanced research skills. Students either perform in-class intensive research in instructor’s research area or integrate research experience from the previous summer. Prerequisite: Advanced laboratory course or permission of instructor.
Individualized research counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F. Experimental or theoretical investigation of a research-level problem selected by a student in consultation with a faculty member. Students should arrange for supervision by the end of the junior year. Open only to senior physics majors. Results of the investigation are reported in a departmental colloquium and senior thesis. Prerequisite: Approval by department by the end of junior year.