Dec. 2021 - Feb. 2022
Majestic Theater
Photographs by Sgt. Burdette J. Marker
Staff Photographer, 71st Division, U.S. Army
After encountering a collection of negatives by Burdette Marker in a photography class taught by Gettysburg College instructor Brent Blair, Philip Pane ’17 received a research stipend to further investigate the history of the images. Sgt. Marker’s photos have a different perspective from other front-line photographers with many of his shots portraying the civilian side of the war, such as the above photo titled, "Dogs of War." This Majestic Gallery exhibit reveals life after the German surrender and the importance of photography in the study of history.
The images below, titled "Youth Baseball" and "Playtime," show the civilian life of children during that time period.
The exhibit runs now through February 2022.