Facilities Services’ Jennifer Coale stresses the importance of communication in building community

Jennifer Coale joined the Gettysburg College community in 2008 as a part of the Majestic Theater team. Nearly a decade later, she joined Facilities Services, where she is now the Director of Facilities Services and Communications. Her role entails overseeing conferences and events, transportation, service response, and all non-brick and mortar facility projects, including facilities relocations and the College warehouse.

“What initially drew me to the College was the ability to be a part of this community,” Coale reflected. “Being from the local area, I knew that I wanted to be in a collegiate environment, and I found Gettysburg to be both warm and welcoming. I wanted to be somewhere where I mattered and where what I brought to the table was appreciated. That has been the case here at Gettysburg College.”

Along with her daily responsibilities, Coale is involved in many other initiatives that uplift our people and our community—two of her favorite aspects of Gettysburg. She has been a liaison for multiple fraternities and sororities, a Garthwait Leadership Center (GLC) mentor, an advisor to student interns, and a Gettysburg College Inclusion Partner for administrative and support staff recruitment searches. 

Jennifer Coale

Coale has found that partnering with Gettysburgians from across the campus requires strong communication abilities. Communication is one of the enduring skills that Gettysburg seeks to develop and deepen within its students through the Gettysburg Approach. 

“Communication is key to working with others, leading a team, problem solving, being able to adapt, and feeling like you are a part of something bigger,” she explained.

“One thing that I absolutely love about my position is that I have the ability to sit in a meeting or on a phone call and have conversations that at first seems like spaghetti—a complex situation with countless nuances to consider all woven together. However, through effective communication, I can help to untangle these problems and find solutions that are satisfactory to both our department and our customers, which are the students, faculty, and staff on campus.”

Coale is respected throughout the College for her community-wide impact. She has done incredible work, received numerous Stoles of Gratitude from our graduates, and maintained close partnerships with the interns that she’s mentored.

“When you look at the side of one of our buildings, it’s important to remember that those bricks and those stones cannot stand there by themselves. They are supported by all of the bricks and stones around them. That’s what makes a successful community. We have that at Gettysburg,” said Coale. “As a person who has been a Gettysburgian for 16 years now, I have made a conscious decision to be here. I am hopeful that my work, my own ways to offer support, continue to strengthen our College.”

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By Brooke Askin ’25
Photos by Abbey Frisco
Posted: 01/29/25

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