A Community-Based Learning Course at Gettysburg College should meet or be striving to meet the following criteria:
- Community partners are integral into the plan, design and implementation of the CBL project.
- Reciprocity can be clearly identified this course.
- The whole class is involved in community-based learning
- Students will be adequately prepared to work with the community.
- Students will critically reflect on their community experience and relate it to their coursework.
- Students and the community partner/s serve as co-educators for this course.
- Students, community partners and faculty are assessing the experience and outcomes.
- Credit is earned for learning not for service.
- CBL projects are reviewed by the IRB, if appropriate.
Register your Community-Based Learning Course
In order to the track, assess and ensure high quality community-based learning experiences, the Office of the Provost in partnership with the Center for Public Service, asks all faculty members to register their courses by completing the form below: