Take Action in the Community

Local Volunteer Opportunities

Big Brothers
Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Mentor a child through homework, games and friendship through the SMART program.
Time : Mon, Tues, Wed or Thurs: 3:00-4:30pm
Contact : bbbs@gettysburg.edu

Partnerships for


Volunteers address sustainability issues such as climate justice, land and resource conservation, and pollution through policy advocacy and direct action.
Time: various
Contact: Cameron (mcinca01)


Campus Kitchen 

Repackage donated food into nutritious meals and deliver them to members of the community.
Time: various
Contact: campuskitchen@gettysburg.edu

Adult ESL Classes

Adult ESL Classes

Assist adults in conversation, activities and worksheets to improve their English skills.
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-8pm at Gettysburg College
Contact: Cynthia (orticy01) or Cittlali (martci01)

Casa Swimming

Casa Swimming

Support the swim instructor to teach children in grades K-12 how to improve swimming skills.
Time: Six Sundays 3-4:30pm at Gettysburg College Swimming Pool
Contact: Rachel (farbra01)

Vida Charter School

RSG After School at VIDA

Assist children K-6 with educational activities.
Time: Various Times  
Contact: Isabelle

21st CCLC: Vida Charter School

Food, Land, People

Afterschool tutoring at local bilingual elementary school.
Time: Mon-Fri, 3:15-5:45pm
Contact: cps@gettysburg.edu

21st CCLC: El Centro Tutoring

El Centro

Tutor a child. Help with homework, play games, exchange English and Spanish skills.
Time: Mon-Thu, 3:15-5:30pm
Contact: Estrella (zavaes01) or Mary Kate (hogama03) or Isleen (justis01)

Project Gettysburg-León


Volunteer for special events like Salsa on the Square and the annual PGL Fiesta and Auction. Promote our sister city relationship.

Time: Various
Contact: Megan (roblme01)

SCCAP: Support Circles

SCCAP: Support Circles

Provide friendship and care to children during the Support Circles weekly meeting, which aims to move families out of poverty. More at www.supportcircles.org.
Time: Wednesdays 5:30pm-8pm (dinner is included)
Contact: Jessica (gameje01)

College Prep Program


College access support for 9th-12th graders from local high schools.
Time: Mondays 3:30-5:00pm
Contact: Toni (esquan01) or Aide (albaai01)

Painted Turtle Farm

Painted Turtle Farm

Assist community gardeners with garden upkeep, planting and harvesting. Find out more at www.gettysburg.edu/ptf
Time: various

Migrant Education Literacy Program


Support migrant families through literacy and STEM activities.
Time: various
Contact: Adhara (ayndad01)

Casa de la Cultura Special Projects

Project Gettysburg Leon

Promote and support activities & events of Casa de la Cultura. More at www.casagettysburg.org
Time: various
Contact: Adhara (ayndad01)

SCCAP: Food Pantry/Gleaning

CPS Fellow_The Gleaning Project

Support activities that serve to reduce food loss and increase food security in our community
Time: various
Contact: Ethan (acevet01)