On this page:
The College provides photographic coverage for print and online publication in consideration with marketing initiatives set forth by the office. We put priority on photographs that will run on the College’s website and magazine. Submit photography requests for events, publication or web stories, or other strategic needs. If we cannot provide a photographer for your needs, we can recommend outside freelance photographer options upon request.
If requesting a new or updated headshot for use on the College website, specific headshot days will be held once a semester and will be coordinated through the Communications and Marketing office. Please use the photo request form to request your headshot and a photographer will get back to about the next date.
We produce short-form videos for publicity purposes and provide access to live-streaming broadcast infrastructure. We do not cover lectures or events for posterity purposes, or provide live video services. Projects are prioritized based on office goals and staff availability. Submit suggestions for videos or ask for video service recommendations using the content pitch form.