What is the Cross-Disciplinary Science Institute (X-SIG)?
Specifically, the Cross Disciplinary Science Institute:
- Administers the X-SIG Summer Research Program Details and Requirements;
- Manages our summer program that explores the practical and ethical aspects of being a scientist;
- Funds student participation in early research, conferences, and visits to nearby research labs;
- Hosts the X-SIG interdisciplinary seminar series with funding from EPACC;
- Oversees activities associated with our STEM House; and
- Helps students find and apply for off-campus research internships.
X-SIG Director 2024-25:
- Kurt Andresen, kandrese@gettysburg.edu - Physics
X-SIG Administrative Assistant:
- Lisa McKenna, lmckenna@gettysburg.edu - Biology
X-SIG Board Members:
- Véronique Delesalle, delesall@gettysburg.edu - Biology
- Tim Funk, tfunk@gettysburg.edu - Chemistry
- Jeanne Hamming, jhamming@gettysburg.edu - Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
- Ivaylo Ilinkin, iilinkin@gettysburg.edu - Computer Science
- Sara Keefer, skeefer@gettysburg.edu - Psychology