Wellness mission statement
Recognizing that the worth and dignity of all people is a core value of Gettysburg College, and that employees’ performance is affected by their well-being, the Gettysburg College Wellness Committee will provide programming and advocacy to improve the overall health of all employees.
Our goals:
- Educate the campus community on the value of the dimensions of wellness, including nutritional, physical, emotional, intellectual/cultural, social/family, and spiritual.
- Encourage individuals to take action to improve their overall health.
- Reduce and/or contain significant growth of health care expenses.
Wellness events
Please join our Fitness Classes and view Jaeger Center and Pool Hours.
Committee members
- Leah Bernier, Athletics
- Laura Carr, Communications & Marketing
- Annamarie Fetter, Dining Services
- Luke Frigon, Admissions
- Susan Holz, Economics
- Annette Hunt-Shepherd, Campus Recreation
- Joe Lynch, Alumni Relations
- Karen Re, Human Resources
- Stephanie Sanders, Information Technology
- Stacy Scheer, Financial Aid