Gettysburg College does not sell computer equipment or operate a computer store, we do suggest that students take a look at what vendors are currently offering for discounts on computer hardware. Vendors normally offer back to school deals for students who are looking to purchase a new laptop or software for their current device. Please take a look below to see what the vendors are currently offering for back to school or educational deals.
These hardware vendors and many others offer new laptop and desktop computers that are suitable for use at Gettysburg College. In general a suitable computer purchase should include a speedy CPU, plenty of memory, a high capacity hard drive, Wi-Fi capability (802.11g/n) and a comfortable screen size.
You will want your computer to provide you service throughout your years at Gettysburg College, so carefully consider important options such as extended warranties such as accidental damage protection and an extended battery warranty.
We have found that the computer hardware needed to run most new operating systems is also adequate to run most of the typical software you will encounter while at Gettysburg. If you have special software needs you may wish to discuss your requirements with your vendor to ensure you are purchasing a machine with sufficient power for your needs.
Gettysburg College does not endorse one manufacturer over the other. The choice of what computer you should bring is entirely up to you. Below is a list of some manufacturers that offer educational discounts.
Below are links to software vendors that offer software discounts to those with an educational email account (.edu).