Residence Hall Furniture


The mattress size is 39" x 80" x 6 1/2" (twin extra long). Regular twin sheets won't fit the mattress so be sure to bring twin XL bedding.

The bed frames offer adjustable height settings which you can self-adjust:

  • 1st notch off the floor (lowest setting) provides 13" between the floor and the bottom of the bed
  • 2nd notch off the floor (middle setting) provides approximately 18" between the floor and the bottom of the bed
  • 3rd notch off the floor provides 23" between the floor and the bottom of the bed

Students may also loft or bunk their beds by acquiring the additional pieces (such as bed ends and pins) necessary to do so. These additional pieces will be available in the common rooms during move-in. Students can also request for Facilities Services staff to loft/bunk their bed for them by completing a work order; or, on Move-in Day (August 21), Facilities staff will be available to loft/bunk the bed if desired.

Beds may also be lifted off the ground by using bed risers, which the College does not provide. Bed risers can raise the bed approximately six additional inches off the ground and should not be used in conjunction with bunked or lofted beds.

Lofted Bed

Lofted Option

Lofting your bed allows furniture such as your dresser, desk, and desk chair to slide underneath your bed. An additional bed end is needed to loft your bed to make your bed higher. There is approximately 48-54 inches of clearance between the bottom of the mattress and floor, depending on which notch the frame is attached to.

Bunked Beds

Bunked Option

Bunked beds are one bed bunked on top of the other, thus leaving storage space only under the bottom bed. All beds can be bunked using bunking pins. These pins are available in your building's common area during move-in.

Residential rooms are equipped with single beds, desks, desk chairs, dressers, closet space, window shades, mattresses, and trash and recycling containers.
  • Residents may arrange furniture within their rooms in a reasonable and safe manner; providing that all furniture is returned to its original location when the space is vacated.
  • The arrangement of furniture cannot block or restrict egress from the bed/bedroom to the door.
  • College staff reserves the right to limit the number of furnishings in an individual room if the amount or location of furniture is excessive.
  • Furniture may not be moved from one room to another within residence halls or from one apartment to another.
  • Unused furniture resulting from a vacancy in a room may not be moved into the hallways, common areas or storage.
  • Furnishings provided for lounges, study rooms, and recreation areas may not be moved into students' rooms. College staff are authorized to return furniture to its proper location.
  • Unauthorized possession of College property could result in conduct action.
  • When vacating a room, remove all non-College furniture. Failure to do so will result in a removal fee.