The Director of Student Activities & Greek Life or an organization’s liaison within the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life may meet with the leadership, advisors, and/or headquarters of an organization involved in an incident to determine if the alleged violation(s) have merit and/or if they can be resolved through mutual agreement. If the Complainant is anyone other than the College or College’s Administration, the complainant can be involved in the resolution process. Mutual agreement is reserved for cases where the parties have agreed to participate and the leadership of the Responding Organization has accepted responsibility for a violation of College policy. During the mutual agreement process, parties agree to the violations of policy and come to an agreement about the actions necessary due to the violations. Outcomes of these agreements can include outcomes up to and including suspension of the organization. Mutual agreements are final and there are no appeals or other proceedings.
If an agreement cannot be reached during the mutual agreement process, the Responding Organization will participate in a Council Judicial Board Meeting, Conference, or Administrative Hearing at the discretion of the Director of Student Activities & Greek Life.
Records of mutual agreement outcomes will be maintained in the same way as outcomes from other resolution options.