We aim to prepare reflective, empathetic teacher—leaders who facilitate student inquiry from democratic and critical—multicultural perspectives, help students relate concepts and skills learned in school to their own lives, and foster social, cognitive and emotional growth for all students. The teachers we prepare are knowledgeable, passionate about education, value the arts, and work consistently to improve their teaching through the integration of theory and practice. They are deeply committed to teaching the whole child by promoting cultural diversity, social justice, social cooperation, and genuine social and political equality.
Students enrolled in the Educational Studies Program will demonstrate the knowledge, pedagogical skill, and social justice dispositions necessary to advocate for education equity and to shape the educational experiences of others:
- Students will explore key historical and contemporary issues in education issues through relevant research in educational studies topics, such as social justice, inequities, and various modes of education;
- Students will analyze how inequality is reproduced within and through education systems by using concepts and theories from various disciplines including but not limited to history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and political science.
- Students will identify strategies to address education inequities and engage with social justice issues in real-world contexts through community-based internships, externships, study abroad, and/or immersion experiences by designing worthwhile, creative, and/or arts—based learning experiences and assessments; and reflect on these experiences;
- Students will engage in practical inquiry that demonstrates commitment to cultural diversity, educational equity, social justice, and collaboration based on reciprocity with community partners.