International & Global Studies Major


International & Global Studies

The new International & Global Studies major emphasizes a common multi-disciplinary set of core courses, a common expectation of global study and language learning, and the rigor of a methods course and senior seminar while allowing for the distinctive approaches of two tracks within the IGS major.

Because the two tracks include some self-design, students must complete an application for the major working closely with one of the faculty members of the International & Global Studies Committee. Applications for the International & Global Studies major must be submitted no later than the fall of the junior year.

Major check sheets

Global Studies Track International Affairs Track

Core requirements

Core Requirements for the major include 4 foundation courses and 6 courses for the chosen track. At least 2 of the 6 courses must be at the 300-level.

The purpose of these core courses is to provide a common base of knowledge for all students as well as a basic set of skills and tools with which they can analyze global issues from the perspective of cultures, states, non-state actors, and systems.

Foundation courses are the following:

  • Anth 103 – Intro to Cultural Anthropology
  • Econ 104 – Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Pol 103 or 104 – International or Comparative Politics
  • Hist 103 or 110 – 19th or 20th Century World History

Tracks (6 Courses. At least 2 must be at the 300-level)

International Affairs

  • ECON 251 – International ECON [pre-req ECON 103 & 104]
  • POL 203, 242, 252 or 253 [pre-req POL 103 or permission]
  • POL Select Elective
  • Three additional Selective [At least two disciplines, not ECON or POL]
    One of these must be a HIST Selective elective

Global Studies

Region [Identify]
3 courses [ 1 at 300-level]

Theme [pick one]

3 courses [1 at 300-level]

  • Conflict Studies
  • Development Studies
  • Global Health
  • Global Business
  • Social Justice & Human Rights
  • Global Environmentalism
  • Global Culture
  • Self-Design: __________________

ALL MAJORS also complete [4 Courses]

  • 1 Methods Course
  • 4 semesters of language study [2 for GC requirement, 2 for the IGS major. Not all classes need to be taken in the same language. These can be taken on or off campus.]
  • 1 semester global study
  • 1 Senior Seminar

Interested students can apply for the IGS major by sending an email to the IGS Chair.

Download the application and apply now!

For those planning to Double Major

Students who declare a major in addition to IGS may count no more than four courses from another major (Methods plus up to three courses from Section C & D on the IGS application).

Students pursuing interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and individual majors please note: IGS cannot be paired with IDS (Individualized Major).

Interested students can apply for the IGS major by sending an email to the IGS Chair.