This list is a sampling of the kinds of courses offered through the Physics department curriculum. Not all courses shown here will be offered every semester. For a complete list of currently available courses, students may log into their account on Student Center.
Overview of the fundamental principles of classical physics (including gravitation and electromagnetism), the theory of relativity, and quantum physics. Course includes topics such as: the four fundamental forces of nature; nuclear and atomic physics; elementary particles; grand unified theories; and cosmology, including the origin and fate of the universe. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
General algebra-based coverage of the fields of classical and modern physics. Topics include kinematics, mechanics, fluids, and thermodynamics. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for students in biology, environmental science, the health professions. Prerequisite: Sophomore status and facility with algebra and geometry. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
General algebra-based coverage of the fields of classical and modern physics. Topics include waves, optics, electricity, magnetism, and topics from modern physics. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for students in biology, environmental science, the health professions. Prerequisite: Physics 103 and facility with algebra and geometry. Three class hours and three laboratory hours
An introduction to the physical basis of music and sound production. Topics include the mechanical and sonic characteristics of common musical instruments, room acoustics, human perception of sound, and the mechanics of the human ear. Special emphasis is placed on how fundamental concepts from math and physics (vibrations and waves, logarithmic measurement scales, the Fourier Series, frequency spectra) explain many of the aspects of how music is produced and perceived. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
Standard first semester calculus-based Physics course designed to support the curricula of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology majors. The course will explore a wide range of topics including Newtonian mechanics, work & energy, circular motion, rotational kinematics/dynamics, fluids, concepts of heat & temperature, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics. Prerequisite: Calculus 111 (can be taken concurrently), sophomore or higher status, and CHEM or BMB Major. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
Standard second semester calculus-based Physics course designed to satisfy the major requirements for Chemistry, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology majors but can be taken by other students that meet the requirements. The course will explore a wide range of topics including vibrations and sound, light, optics, electricity and magnetism, and electric circuits. Prerequisite: Physics 109. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
An introduction to mechanics and modern physics: the conservation of momentum, energy, and angular momentum as fundamental laws, Newton’s dynamical laws of motion, and the special theory of relativity. Four class hours and three laboratory hours. Prospective physics majors or students interested in dual-degree engineering. Open to first-year students; sophomore students interested in the physics major may enroll with permission of instructor.
An introduction to modern physics and thermodynamics: Continuation of the special theory of relativity; introductory principles of quantum physics; applications in atomic, nuclear, and particle physics; and an introduction to thermodynamics. Differential and integral calculus is introduced and used. Prerequisites: Physics 111 and Math 111, which may be taken concurrently, or permission of instructor. Four class hours and three laboratory hours. Prospective physics majors or students interested in dual-degree engineering. Open to first-year students; sophomore students interested in the physics major may enroll with permission of instructor.
An introduction to classical electromagnetic theory and applications: electrostatic fields, currents, magnetic fields, magnetic induction, and Maxwell's equations. Other topics include electric circuits, waves, light as a propagating electromagnetic disturbance, and radiating charge. Prerequisites: Physics 112 and Mathematics 112, which may be taken concurrently; or permission of instructor. Four class hours and three laboratory hours.
Principles of electronic devices and circuits using integrated circuits, both analog and digital, including amplifiers, oscillators, and logic circuits. Prerequisites: Physics 211, Physics 110 or permission of instructor. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
The course is designed to provide a basic familiarity with the most common techniques used in structural biology and their applications to challenging biochemical, biotechnology and medical problems. Course focuses on current state-of-the-art biophysical methods that are being applied to study structure and function of biological macromolecules and biological systems with a focus on the most informative methods, such as X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and single molecule techniques. Theoretical underpinnings and the practical applications are covered. Three class hours. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 108, or either PHYS 110 or PHYS 211, or permission from the instructor
Intermediate treatment of mathematical methods used in physics. Topics include elements of vector calculus, complex variables, ordinary and partial differential equations, solution of Laplace's equation, special functions, determinants, and matrices. Prerequisites: Physics 211 and Math 112. Three class hours.
Quarter credit internship graded S/U.
Quantum interference, potential wells, barriers, and one-electron atoms are studied. Other topics include the quantum mechanical basis for solid state, nuclear and particle physics. Co-requisite: Physics 255. Three class hours plus 1-hour problem session.
Temperature, heat, first and second laws of thermodynamics, and introductory statistical mechanics of physical systems based on the principle of maximum entropy. Topics include the ideal gas, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein 'gases,' electrons in metals, blackbody radiation, low temperature physics, and elements of transport theory. Prerequisite: Physics 211. Three class hours.
Intermediate-level course in mechanics for upper class physics majors. Topics include chaos, nonlinear dynamics, central forces, oscillations, and the formalisms of Lagrange and Hamilton. Prerequisites: Physics 211, Physics 255 and Math 211. Three class hours.
Experimental investigation of quantum phenomena. A suite of single photon measurements will explore the statistical nature of quantum physics. Other experiments include alpha-, beta-, and gamma-spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and UV-fluorescence. The course emphasizes error analysis and communicating scientific results through oral and written reports. Prerequisites: Physics 310. Six laboratory hours.
Intermediate course in electromagnetism, including vector fields and vector calculus, electrostatic field theory, dielectrics, magnetic phenomena, fields in matter, Maxwell's equations, Laplace's equation and boundary value problems, and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: Physics 211 and Physics 255. Three class hours.
Upper-level physics course focusing on computational methods in various topics including classical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. Python computer language is used throughout the course. Prerequisite: Physics 211.
Introduction to the Schrodinger and Heisenberg formulations of quantum mechanics. Topics include free particles, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, hydrogen atom, matrix mechanics, spin wave functions, helium atom, and perturbation theory. Prerequisites: Physics 255 and Physics 310; or permission of instructor.
Examination of the development of views about the origin and evolution of the universe. From ancient times, humans have tried to answer the biggest of the big questions: where did it all come from? This course traces the course of the answers given from ancient mythology through contemporary models of contemporary Big Bang cosmology, focusing the interaction between advances in physical science and their philosophical ramifications.
An introduction to the acquisition, processing and analysis of astronomical images. Obtaining a science-quality astronomical image requires knowledge of photons’ complete path from their source through the telescope and finally onto the detector. Along this path, the light may be attenuated or contaminated by various sources (atmospheric, mechanical and electronic). In order to produce images that most faithfully represent the light from a source, students identify and account for all of these sources of contamination. Prerequisites: Physics 211, Physics 110 or permission of instructor.
Intermediate treatment of modern optics and laser physics. Topics include radiometry and optical detector technology, geometric optics and human vision, electromagnetic theory of light, interference, polarization, coherence, holography, fundamentals of laser operations, laser spectroscopy and other contemporary laser applications. Prerequisites: Physics 211 and Math 211 or permission of instructor. Three class hours and six laboratory hours.
Combined upper-level chemistry and physics lab designed to emphasize the use of tools in these disciplines to answer questions in biology. This course concentrates on the role of lipids (fats) and ions (salt) in biology. Utilizing multiple biochemical and biophysical techniques, students will perform multiple experiments to ultimately answer a complex biological problem. Two laboratories. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 108 and either PHY 110 or PHY 211, or permission from the instructor.
Topics in physics not covered in the usual curriculum. Topics vary from year to year and may include relativity; astrophysics; advanced topics in modern optics, solid state physics and electromagnetism; fundamental particles and nuclear structure; the physics of plasmas and various mathematical topics in physics (topology, special functions, fractals). Prerequisites: Upper division standing and approval by instructor. Three class hours
Capstone course in physics that teaches advanced research skills. Students either perform in-class intensive research in instructor’s research area or integrate research experience from the previous summer. Prerequisite: Advanced laboratory course or permission of instructor.
Individualized tutorial counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F. Designed to cover physics or physics-related topics not otherwise available in the curriculum. Open to upper class physics majors who arrange with a staff member for supervision. Possible areas of study include advanced electronics, medical physics, astrophysics, acoustics, nuclear physics and plasma physics. Prerequisite: Approval by Department.
Individualized tutorial counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U. Designed to cover physics or physics-related topics not otherwise available in the curriculum. Open to upper class physics majors who arrange with a staff member for supervision. Possible areas of study include advanced electronics, medical physics, astrophysics, acoustics, nuclear physics and plasma physics. Prerequisite: Approval by Department.
Individualized tutorial not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F. Designed to cover physics or physics-related topics not otherwise available in the curriculum. Open to upper class physics majors who arrange with a staff member for supervision. Possible areas of study include advanced electronics, medical physics, astrophysics, acoustics, and optics. Prerequisite: Approval by department.
Individualized tutorial not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U. Designed to cover physics or physics-related topics not otherwise available in the curriculum. Open to upper class physics majors who arrange with a staff member for supervision. Possible areas of study include advanced electronics, medical physics, astrophysics, acoustics, and optics. Prerequisite: Approval by department.
Individualized research counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F. Experimental or theoretical investigation of a research-level problem selected by a student in consultation with a faculty member. Students should arrange for supervision by the end of the junior year. Open only to senior physics majors. Results of the investigation are reported in a departmental colloquium and senior thesis. Prerequisite: Approval by department by the end of junior year.
Individualized research counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U. Experimental or theoretical investigation of a research-level problem selected by a student in consultation with a faculty member. Students should arrange for supervision by the end of the junior year. Open only to senior physics majors. Results of the investigation are reported in a departmental colloquium and senior thesis. Prerequisite: Approval by department by the end of junior year.
Individualized research not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor graded A-F. Experimental or theoretical investigation of a research-level problem selected by a student in consultation with a faculty member. Students should arrange for supervision by the end of the junior year. Open only to senior physics majors. Results of the investigation are reported in a departmental colloquium. Prerequisite: Approval by department.
Individualized research not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor graded S/U. Experimental or theoretical investigation of a research-level problem selected by a student in consultation with a faculty member. Students should arrange for supervision by the end of the junior year. Open only to senior physics majors. Results of the investigation are reported in a departmental colloquium. Prerequisite: Approval by department.
Internship not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U. Prior approval by Department required. Results of the internship are reported in a departmental colloquium.
Half credit internship, graded S/U.
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Study of our solar system, its origin, structure, and uniqueness of its varied objects. The history and physical principles underlying astronomical observation will be covered. Students will develop analytical skills, apply physical principles to astronomical phenomena, and learn observational and laboratory technique. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Prerequisite: Facility with algebra and geometry. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
Study of stars and the universe as a whole, its origin, structure, and uniqueness of its varied objects. The history and physical principles underlying astronomical observation will be covered. Students will develop analytical skills, apply physical principles to astronomical phenomena, and learn observational and laboratory technique. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Three class hours and three laboratory hours. Prerequisite: Facility with algebra and geometry.