Brian Meier
Room 301C
300 North Washington St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325-1400
PhD - North Dakota State University
MS - North Dakota State University
BS - North Dakota State University
Academic Focus
Social, Health, and Personality Psychology
My research focuses on the social-cognitive mechanisms of behavior and personality. I have an interest in several areas including health decision-making, the naturalness bias, mindfulness, embodiment, emotion, and religion.
A few representative research publications are shown below. Please see the CV (link above) for a full list of research publicatinos.
Courses Taught
Article Less is More: Mindfulness, Portion Size, and Candy Eating Pleasure Food Quality and Preference
Article Perceived Naturalness Biases Objective Behavior in Both Trivial and Meaningful Contexts Social and Personality Psychology Science
Article Naturally Better? A Review of the Natural-is-Better Bias Social and Personality Psychology Compass
Article The Sweet Life: The Effect of Mindful Chocolate Consumption on Mood Appetite
Article Cross-Cultural Evidence for an Association Between Agreeableness and Sweet Taste Preferences Journal of Research in Personality
Article Mindful Eating: Trait and State Mindfulness Predict Healthier Eating Behavior Personality and Individual Differences
Article Development and Validation of the Single-Item Mindfulness Scale (SIMS) Journal of Personality Assessment
Article Metaphors for God: God is High, Bright, and Human in Implicit Tasks Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Article Why the Sunny Side is Up: Associations Between Affect and Vertical Position Psychological Science