PhD New York University, 2001
MA New York University, 1995
BA Macalester College, 1990
Academic Focus
Clinical and personality psychology
I am a clinical psychologist with research interests in the cognitive/affective and interpersonal processes that can play a role in psychological difficulties. I am also interested in the various issues of stigma and identity associated with experiencing a mental disorder. Please visit my web page for more information about my lab, research, and publications.
If you are considering graduate studies or careers related to mental health, feel free to stop by to talk about it during my office hours on zoom.
Courses Taught
Introduction to contemporary research in personality in the context of major theoretical perspectives that have shaped the field, including psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, social-cognitive, biological, and trait models. Issues that arise in the conceptualization, assessment, and empirical study of personality are emphasized. Prerequisite: Psychology 101.
Introduction to psychopathology, with particular attention to conceptual, methodological, and ethical issues. Approaches to defining, assessing, and treating adult mental disorders are discussed and evaluated in light of current empirical evidence. Prerequisite: Psychology 101
Advanced study of topics in personality and abnormal psychology. Discussion focuses on current theories and methodological issues specific to the experimental study of individual differences. Laboratory work includes design, execution, and analysis of original experimental research. Prerequisites: Psychology 221 or 222 or 223, and 305. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
Opportunity to work on a selected topic in a small group under the guidance of a faculty member. Not offered every year. Topic for a given semester is announced in advance. May be repeated. Open to junior and senior majors. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Design and execution of an empirical study involving the collection and analysis of data in relation to some psychological problem under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are required to present an acceptable research proposal no later than four weeks following the beginning of the semester or to withdraw from the course. Research culminates in a paper. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. May be repeated, graded A-F.