History and Africana Studies Prof. Abou Bamba has been selected as an editor of The Journal of African History. Bamba has taught Africa-related courses in Gettysburg College’s Africana Studies program and the History Department since the fall of 2010.

Published by Cambridge University Press, The Journal of African History puts out articles and book reviews on topics from a broad segment of Africa’s past, from ancient times to the present. Its authors present commentary and perspectives on subjects covering African cultural, economic, intellectual, political, and social history. Recent articles have focused on topics such as ethnicity and race, migration and diaspora, and religion and ritual.
“The Journal of African History is the publication of record in the field of African history worldwide. Becoming an editor for such a prestigious journal is humbling,” Bamba said. “In the position, in addition to book reviews and review essays, I will be in charge of a newly created section in the journal called History Matters, which curates shorter think pieces that appeal to a broader audience. I see this as an opportunity to grow professionally and participate in the production of knowledge about Africa.”
Originally from the Ivory Coast, Bamba took interest in foreign cultures early in his life and pursued studies in English and Spanish in college. He earned a master’s degree in American studies from the Université d’Abidjan-Cocody in the Ivory Coast. Bamba received a certificate in geographic information science and graduated with a Ph.D. in history from Georgia State University.

Bamba’s published scholarly work includes a book, “African Miracle, African Mirage: Transnational Politics and the Paradox of Modernization in Ivory Coast” (Ohio University Press, 2016), and several articles that have appeared in international journals such as the International History Review, the Journal of Modern European History, and the Journal of Transatlantic Studies. The Fulbright Commission, the JFK Foundation, the LBJ Foundation, and the French Embassy in the United States have all supported his research over the years.
Through his teaching at Gettysburg, Bamba strives to help his students obtain a breadth and depth of knowledge about world cultures as they hone their communication, intercultural fluency, and critical thinking skills.
“I have enjoyed being part of a community that encourages the model of teacher-scholar among the faculty,” he said. “Moreover, the small size of the classes and the ability to work closely with students are two things that I appreciate at Gettysburg College.”
By Michael Vyskocil
Photos provided by History and Africana Studies Prof. Abou Bamba
Posted: 08/15/24