Test your code:
Have to start and stop formatting tags like this in same paragraph. If need in additional paragraph, add again to that one.
- <a href="…">…</a>
- Link text
Relative vs. Absolute URLs
- Can delete domain portion prior to first slash for internal links
- External links need to have entire link defined
- If in question, can simply use entire gettysburg.edu and will work
Best practice: use a meaningful phrase as the link text, don't just use URL
Best practice: each link on page should be unique on page (no multiple "read more," "learn more," "click here")
ul = unordered list (bulleted)
ol = ordered list (numbered)
Roman Numeral list items requires hardcoding with advanced techniques
<li>Item #1</li>
<li>Item #2</li>
<li>Item #3</li>
<li>Item #1</li>
<li>Item #2</li>
<li>Subcategory 1</li>
<li>Subcategory 2</li>
<li>Sub 2 item 1</li>
<li>Sub2 item 2</li>
<li>Item #3</li>
WYSIWYG can only create two levels deep, but with coding you can add additional levels
Best practice: 3 levels deep is max complexity
Indenting is not required in the code itself
<h2>1ST Heading 2</h2>
<h3>1st Heading 3</h3>
<h4>1st Heading 4</h4>
<h4>2nd Heading 4</h4>
<h3>2nd Heading 3</h3>
<h3>3rd Heading 3</h3>
<h2>2nd Heading 2</h2>
Adding IDs to subheadings
- <h2 id="extra-anchor-1">…</h2>
- <h2 id="extra-anchor-2">…</h2>
- <a href="#extra-anchor-1">…</a>
- https://.../.../#extra-anchor-1
- In order for jump links / URLs to anchor tags to work, all anchors on the page must be unique
Best practice: use small number of distinct keywords with hyphens
Embed Image
Should always have <figure>…</figure> tags
Get rid of width and height
Best practice, always use ALT text to describe image.
Stick to table generator
<th scope="col">Time</th>
<th scope="col">Event</th>
<td>7 a.m.</td>
Responsive tables resize automatically based on the size of the user's screen size