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Requesting help / updates by our web team
Note: terminology we frequently use in communication
WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get. This is how the Webmaster team refers to the visual editor, where you can use buttons to add features to the webpage such as bold text, italic text, ordered lists, etc. Basic training sessions focus on using this editor as the editor is better for basic users than using pure coded HTML.
Starting new pages / content
You should see templates (for new content) that you have access to. If you’re looking for something you can’t find, please reach out to us.
Common templates
- 0 Office Secondary Page - 2col -2021
- 0 Department Secondary Page 2 col - 2020
- 0 Admiss 2 col 2020
Note: Site Field
Remember to select the folder that contains your webpage using the "Site" field. This is how DotCMS assigns permissions to specific webpages so that you and other users from your office / department can access these pages for editing.
Naming content
Please use this naming convention for naming your content. This is for internal use only:
Name of webpage - Office / Department - Current Year
Internship opportunities - Biology - 2022
Remember – content items that have been added to multiple places on the website will update everywhere when you make changes
Best practices
- Align text left
- Link text should be meaningful, short, unique on page (avoid multiple “read more” or “click here” links)
- Unlock pages / content when you’re done with your edits and submit for approval
- Urgent requests will send the team an email for more immediate review
- Accordions, images / videos, tables should all be added in code so they function properly on page
- PDFs and other documents must be remediated for accessibility issues before adding to the site
- Best practice is to add the text to a webpage itself, rather than adding a document file