On this page:
Before you record
iPhone users, ensure you’re filming at a high resolution.
- Settings – Camera – Record Video – 1080p HD at 30fps
- If you have the option, choose 4k at 30fps *remember to change this if you don’t want video files to take up all your phone memory
Settings – Camera – Formats – Most Compatible
Recording video
Film horizontally!
Be aware of your background, make sure it’s not distracting (doesn’t mean it has to be a plain wall)
- Avoid people walking into your video frame
- Avoid a large window behind you
Don’t hold your phone too far away from you – the audio will not be as good
Sending video
Video should be sent using OneDrive.
- Log in to OneDrive using your Gettysburg email address and Gettysburg email/network password.
- Go to Upload → Files and choose the file to upload it.
- Right click on the file and select Share.
- Change “Anyone with the link can edit” to “Specific people” and uncheck “Allow editing” then click Apply
- Type the email username of the person you are sending it to, then select their name.
- Click Send.
OneDrive will then send that person a link to that will enable them to download the file.
Avoid sending videos through email or text messages as it downgrade the quality of the video.