Recent Awards

Faculty Awards
LaserNetUS Jena Meinecke
Jena Meinecke
Travel Grant
U.S. Department of Energy - Joint Genome Institute Emily Dieter
Emily Dieter
Landmarks of American History and Culture. Gift in Kind - Synthesis and delivery of engineered DNA (plasmids)
Central Pennsylvania Consortium Junjie Luo
Junji Luo
Cultivating Attention and Engagement: Navigating Technology Use in the Liberal Arts Classroom
National Science Foundation Shelli Frey
Shelli Frey
Acquisition of a Confocal Microscope to Establish a Multi-Institution Core Facility for Undergraduate Research and Education
National Endowment for the Humanities Dave Powell
Public Policy
Dave Powell
Landmarks of American History and Culture. "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History and Memory."
National Institutes of Health Allison Yurasek
Allison Yurasek
Subaward with University of Florida - Digital Motivational Behavioral Economic Intervention to Reduce Risky Drinking Among Community-Dwelling Emerging Adults
The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation Tasha Gownaris
Environmental Studies
Tasha Gownaris
Behavioral Plasticity as a Mechanism for Adaptation in Rapidly Changing Environments
Russell Sage Foundation

American Political Science Association
Alauna Safarpour
Political Science
Alauna Safarpour
Taking Perspective: Online Interventions to Reduce Prejudice and Increase Support for Racial Policies

Taking Perspective: The Durability of Interventions to Reduce Racial Prejudice
National Science Foundation Rim Baltaduonis
Rim Baltaduonis

Subaward with University of Colorado at Denver - SAI-R: E-Vibes: Electric Vehicle integration to power by infrastructure

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association Ryan Kerney and Val Stone
Ryan Kerney and Val Stone
Advancing Science Partnership for Adams County Environmental Literacy
Pennsylvania Department of Education Ryan Kerney and Val Stone
Science in Motion - Support for ongoing mobile STEM education program
National Institutes of Health Kate Buettner
Kate Buettner
De Novo Mini-Metalloenzymes with Hydrolase Activity
The Procter & Gamble Company Shelli Frey and Kate Buettner
Shelli Frey and Kate Buettner
Evolving our Biochemistry and Chemistry Curricula
NASA PA Space Grant Consortium Ryan Johnson
Subaward with Penn State University - The NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium
U.S. Foundation for the Commemoration of the World Wars Ian Isherwood
Interdisciplinary Studies
Ian Isherwood
The First World War Letters of HJC Peirs

Institutional Grants
Central PA Consortium Cultivating Attention and Engagement: Navigating Technology Use in the Liberal Arts Classroom
Shear Family Foundation Sunderman Conservatory
PA Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Pennsylvania Consortium for the Liberal Arts Sustaining under-represented faculty
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Endowed scholarship funding for Stabler Scholars
The Endeavor Foundation Ann McIlhenny Harward Interdisciplinary Fund for Culture and Music at Gettysburg College
It's On Us PA Funding to raise awareness and resource availability for sexual misconduct
PNC Foundation Give Ideas to Gettysburg
Howard Hughes Medical Institute IE3 Learning Community to help faculty advance inclusive pedagogy practices and policies
The Hearst Foundations Scholarships to four underrepresented and first-generation students in the STEM Scholars Program
Presser Foundation Undergraduate Scholar Award
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Majestic Theater
Schmidt Special Competitive Studies Project, LLC To support public policy seminars and projects delivered through the Eisenhower Institute