Degrees Awarded By Major and Sex (2003-2023)

The following interactive dashboard presents completions data by Graduating Class, Major, and Sex from 2003 to 2023. Students completing multiple majors were counted in all of their majors; the denominator used in calculating the percentage was the total number of majors completed by a graduating class (not the unduplicated headcount of individuals in that graduating class). The two majors: Economics (BA) and Mathematical Economics (BS), are displayed separately. English and English with a Writing Concentration were combined. Please view this dashboard on a desktop/laptop or a smartphone; it is not tablet-friendly at this point. Data sources of the dashboard: Registrar's Office and Office of Institutional Analysis. This dashboard was first published in 04/2019 and the statistics were last updated on 12/04/2023. Please click the drop-down menus below to explore. Use the scroll bar on the right to navigate the summary table. To find out the top majors for a given year, hover the mouse over a column header in the table below and then click on Sort Descending icon.