On this page:
- Housing License Agreement
- 2024-2025 Housing Rates
- Refunds and Rebates
- Fraternity Housing Obligations
- Release from Residency Requirement: Commuter Status and Off-Campus Housing
- Gender-Inclusive and/or Gender-Expansive Housing
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Alcohol & Drug-Free Housing (RISE Program)
Housing License Agreement
Gettysburg College provides each student with housing during its provision of education to the student. All housing managed by the College shall be in the nature of a license, and not a lease, and therefore, student residents are not entitled to the protection of the Pennsylvania Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, as amended. In addition, the housing license agreement that you will enter into with the College shall be terminable at the will of the College.
By virtue of your enrollment at Gettysburg College, the College and the student agree to services, policies, rules, and procedures that are, or may be, established concerning the operation of the residence halls. The student is responsible for being familiar with policies, rules, and procedures as stated in the housing license agreement, the Student Handbook, the Residential Guidebook or other information published by the College Life Division. In addition, residents are expected to attend scheduled hall/community meetings conducted by members of the Residential Education staff. Failure or inability to attend such meetings does not release a student from their responsibility to know and/or adhere to any information that is shared. Residents must be aware that violators of housing policies will be subject to participation in the College conduct process, which may result in loss of campus housing privileges (without refund), monetary assessment for damages caused by violations, and/or possible separation from the College.
The Borough of Gettysburg has adopted an Ordinance that affects certain College housing. Any student leasing a Regulated Rental Unit as defined in the Ordinance must comply with the Addendum to Housing License Agreement. The Ordinance is not applicable to College housing within the institutional zone as defined by the Borough; this zone includes all housing on the core campus of the College.
2024-2025 Housing License Agreement
Residential Education
Residential Philosophy
As articulated through the institutional mission statement, “Gettysburg College is a residential, undergraduate college of the liberal arts and sciences that prepares students from across the nation and around the globe to pursue lives of personal and professional fulfillment and to engage the complex questions of our time through effective leadership and socially responsible citizenship.” One way that this mission is accomplished is through a “conviction that a residential college best promotes the sense of community, central to a liberal arts education, in which personal relationships between students, faculty, and staff can flourish.” Because of this mission, Gettysburg College has a four-year residency requirement stating that it is necessary and expected that all full-time enrolled first-year, sophomore, junior, and senior students are required to live in College housing.
Exceptions to the four-year residency requirement
Exceptions to the residency requirement are made on a very limited basis to students who must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Student is studying at an approved off-campus program (abroad, etc.),
- Student has been granted commuter status (reside in their parents'/guardians’ home), or
- Student is a senior who has been granted a release from the residency requirement as part of the off-campus application process. The decision of whether or not an off-campus application process occurs is made annually and based on student enrollment and campus housing inventory. Seniors are not guaranteed to be released from the residency requirement even if they meet eligibility requirements.
Requests for additional exceptions may be made to the Director of Residential Education.
Residential Agreement
I, the undersigned student, hereby contract for a space in College housing for myself at Gettysburg College for the ENTIRE 2024-2025 ACADEMIC YEAR. I understand this contract will be terminated if I withdraw from the College, take a leave of absence, complete my degree requirements, or participate in an Off-Campus Study Program. I sign this license agreement fully aware of, subject to, and in accordance with the terms and provisions stated above and below.
I also understand that I am required to have and pay for an institutional meal plan if my housing is within a residence hall that requires such a plan. A list of the halls that require a meal plan can be found on the Residential Education website.
Rates and Refunds
I understand that I am responsible for payment of the housing rates as listed in the Residential Guidebook that are based on the accommodations that I will be assigned for the 2024-2025 academic year. Should I take a leave of absence, withdraw, or otherwise leave the institution for any reason, I will be responsible for the cost of my housing and only receive a refund in accordance with the “Refund Policy” which can be found on the College website.
Duration of Housing, Breaks, and Summer Housing
The housing that I am contracted to inhabit as a result of this license agreement is to be provided to me for both the fall and spring semester, under the stipulations listed:
- For the Fall 2024 semester, check-in to my housing is no earlier than August 21, 2024 if I am a first-year student or August 23, 2024 if I am an upperclass student, and check-out is no later than noon on December 15, 2024.
- For the Spring 2025 semester, check-in to my housing is no earlier than January 18, 2025, and check-out is no later than noon on May 11, 2025.
- Early Arrival or Late Departure is an exception granted on a very limited basis and is accompanied by an early arrival or late departure fee. For fee amounts, please reference the Residential Guidebook.
- The residence halls close for Winter Break from noon on December 15, 2024 through 9am on January 18, 2025.
- Access to Break Housing is an exception granted on a very limited basis, and I understand that if I am in need of and approved for break housing, I may be relocated to housing arrangements that are not my regular semester housing.
- Summer housing is only available for fellowship program participants, College-approved for credit internships, not for credit internships, summer course participants (in-person) at a nearby college, international students who are unable to return home, and on-campus student employees. Summer housing is accompanied by a summer housing fee that is approved annually by the Board of Trustees and collected via student accounts.
Room Changes, Vacancies, and Consolidation
As an occupant of College housing, I understand that I may be reassigned, relocated, or required to consolidate based on the housing needs of the College. I also understand that if a vacancy exists in my residential space, it may be filled by the College at any time. Any attempt on my part to discourage, refuse, or intimidate a potential or newly assigned roommate is a violation of Residential Guidelines. During the course of the fall and spring semester, I am aware that within the designated period (excluding the first two and last two weeks of the semester), I can work with the Office of Residential Education to change my housing assignment based on available vacancies. Should I change housing into a space that is a different rate than my original space, I will be charged or credited at a pro-rated cost based on the time of my relocation.
Facilities – Keys and Damage
I understand that I am financially responsible for the key(s) to my housing and for any damage caused by me, by those residing in my space if individual responsibility cannot be determined, and by my guests. If I lose my key(s), I understand that I will be charged for each lost key - $150 per key for the first time, $250 per key for the second time, and $350 per key each additional time. For more information regarding lock-outs, lost keys, and damage billing, please refer to the Residential Guidebook.
Residential Community Engagement
I agree to be an involved member of the residential community in which I reside by attending scheduled community meetings, paying applicable fines, and participating in hall/house activities.
Community Standards and Residential Guidebook
I understand that I am bound by the rules and policies within the Community Standards and must also abide by all federal, state, and borough laws and regulations.
I understand that I am bound by the information in the Residential Guidebook, which outlines all residential policies, procedures, and important information. The Residential Guidebook expands on the items in this license agreement, as well as policies related to pets, guests, prohibited items, services, and many other items. By signing this housing license agreement, I am acknowledging that I am responsible to the information in the Residential Guidebook and can be held accountable through fees, fines, conduct action, loss of housing privileges, and/or separation from the institution.
Gettysburg College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and College policies. Gettysburg College prohibits discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and sexual harassment, including sexual violence and any type of sexual misconduct.
2024-2025 Housing Rates
Plan 1 – $10,870 per year or $5,435 per semester
This includes ALL single rooms on campus, regardless of the building
Plan 2 – $10,870 per year or $5,435 per semester
This includes all non-single rooms in the following facilities: 25 Railroad St., 209 N. Washington St., Apple Hall, Appleford Carriage House, College Apartments, Constitution Apartments, Ice House and Van Horn House
Plan 3 – $9,880 per year or $4,940 per semester
This includes all non-single rooms in the following facilities: 25 S. Washington St., 102 W. Water St., Albaugh House, Appleford Inn, Bregenzer House, Carlisle House, Colonial Hall, Corner Cottage, Hutchison House, Lahm Hall, Lamp Post, Lau House, Paxton Hall, Quarry Complex (Corkran, Haaland, Hazlett, and West Halls), Smyser Hall, and College-owned fraternity houses
Plan 4 – $8,640 per year or $4,320 per semester
This includes all non-single rooms in the following facilities: 223 Carlisle St., 227 Carlisle St., 343 Carlisle St., Hanson Hall, Huber Hall, Musselman Hall, Patrick Hall, Paul Hall, Rice Hall, Stevens Hall, Stine Hall, and Tudor House
Refunds and Rebates
Room and board refunds are calculated based on the date the student officially checks out with the Finance and Administration Office, not the date the student withdraws from classes. A more comprehensive description of the refund policy can be found in the College Catalog.
Fraternity Housing Obligations
Residency Requirement
Students that are members of residential fraternities are required to live in their fraternity’s facility unless they have been approved for an accommodation that cannot be met in the facility, are employed as a live-in student staff member of Residential Education, or all beds in the facility have already been assigned to other members of the organization. Once a student joins a fraternity, they should expect to reside in the chapter house during their junior and senior year and may be required to move into the facility as early as the second semester of their sophomore year if there are vacancies that need to be filled. Fraternity members will be assigned to rooms in the chapter house consistent with the policies and practices of the fraternity.
Fraternity presidents and house managers serve as the houses’ residential staff and are responsible for the enforcement of College policies and expectations. These officers are required to live in the chapter facility while they hold that position unless they meet one of the exemptions listed above. Exceptions can be made to this requirement with the approval from both the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life and the fraternity’s advisor board or housing corporation. If an officer is exempt from living in the facility or an exception is made, another officer of the fraternity that lives in the facility must take on the residential staff responsibilities.
Non-Resident Fees
Some residential fraternities elect to bill their members who do not live in the facility non-resident fees. These fees are collected by the College through Student Accounts to provide a more convenient way for students to pay them but are disbursed to the fraternity’s advisory board or housing corporation once they are collected. Reimbursements or exemptions from these fees may only be granted by the fraternity’s advisory board or housing corporation.
Additional Expectations and Requirements
Residents and guests of fraternity and sorority residential facilities are subject to additional expectations as outlined in the Fraternity & Sorority Policies & Procedures Handbook.
Release from Residency Requirement: Commuter Status and Off-Campus Housing
Commuter Status
A commuter student is a student who lives with their parents or legal guardians at their permanent address in the local community (within approximately 30 miles of campus).
Off-Campus Housing
Gettysburg College has a residency requirement for all full time enrolled first-year, sophomore, junior, and senior students that is outlined in detail in the Housing License Agreement. For details regarding any possible exceptions to this requirement, please see the “Exceptions to the four-year residency requirement” section of the Housing License Agreement.
Gender Inclusive and/or Gender Expansive Housing
Students may choose to live in gender inclusive and/or gender expansive housing. This policy allows two or more students to share a multiple-occupancy bedroom, suite, or apartment regardless of students’ sex or gender. Gender inclusive and gender expansive housing is not intended for romantic couples. Rather, it provides options for a variety of students: those who feel uncomfortable rooming with members of the same sex, transgender students in the process of discovering their gender identity, students who feel they would be more compatible with a roommate of a different sex or gender, and students who do not want sex or gender to be a primary factor in choosing a roommate. Gender inclusive and gender expansive housing intends to help create a campus climate that is welcoming, inclusive, and supportive of all students.
Gender inclusive and gender expansive housing is available in all halls. First-year and transfer students will have the option of selecting gender inclusive and/or gender expansive housing via the FYDashboard each May/June. Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors can select this option through the housing selection process that occurs in the spring for the following academic year.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Office of Residential Education is committed to providing successful residential experiences for all students, including those with documented disabilities. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act, Gettysburg College provides reasonable housing accommodations for students with disabilities. Students’ accommodation requests are reviewed by the Center for Student Success, and if approved, the Office of Residential Education will assign the student to the most appropriate housing accommodation available. Housing accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis according to documented need and prevailing standards for reasonable accommodations. This process includes the need for air conditioning due to asthma, allergies, or other health-related concerns. For more information about how to participate in the accommodations approval process, please visit the Center for Student Success website.
Alcohol & Drug-Free Housing (RISE Program)
Gettysburg College offers alcohol and drug-free housing through the RISE program (Respecting Individual Students Expectations about alcohol). Students who participate in this program agree to live in a residence hall or room where alcohol and tobacco are not present nor used, and no drugs are used contrary to prescription or law.
- Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students are eligible to apply to live in the RISE House and are required to meet all expectations of that community.
- First-year RISE students are assigned to be roommates with other members of the RISE program and each student will have an opportunity to participate in activities with other First-Year and Upperclass RISE members.
RISE members who do not abide by their substance-free commitment are subject to relocation in addition to sanctions through the campus conduct system.