The Student Life Committee is an organization composed of members of the student body, faculty, and College administration. This committee has responsibility for studying matters and developing policies pertaining to student life and student conduct. Business may be brought to the committee or legislation proposed by any member of the College community. The committee approves any substantive changes to the Student Handbook and advises the administration on policy and program issues relating to student life.
Student Life Committee Members
Anne Ehrlich, Vice President of College Life, Box 399, Office phone: x6921
Jeff Foster, Dean of Students, College Life, Box 399, Office phone: x6908
Jeanne Hamming, Associate Provost, Box 410, Office phone: x6838
Gokcer Ozgur, Assistant Professor, Economics, Office phone: x6678
Meg Blume-Kohout, Assistant Professor, Economics, Office phone: x 6659
Randy Wilson, Professor, Environmental Studies, Office phone: x6034
Please contact any of the SLC members with any questions or comments.