The Student Life Committee is seeking nominations for the Newman Civic Fellowship. This program is sponsored by the Campus Compact, which is a national coalition of 1,000+ colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education.
About the fellowship
Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides students with training and resources that will help develop their strategies for social change. The yearlong program includes virtual learning opportunities and networking as part of a national network of engaged student leaders.
The Newman Civic Fellowship, is a yearlong program that recognizes distinguished community-committed students. The program honors the late Frank Newman, one of Campus Compact’s founders and a tireless advocate for higher education’s civic and public role.
Nomination criteria
Any faculty or staff member can nominate a sophomore or junior for the Newman Civic Fellowship. The following criteria should be utilized to nominate a student:
- Student demonstrates the potential for public leadership.
- Student engages in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change.
- Student takes action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization.
- Student demonstrates the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement.
To nominate a student, please provide a brief statement of how your nominee will be a good fit for the Newman Civic Fellowship. Use the criteria from above to guide your statement. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 14, 2020.
Thank you for nominating a student for the Newman Civic Fellowship!
Nomination form