
Creativity, a passion for hands-on work and a drive to cross boundaries and explore cultures— an Art and Art History major or minor will give you the skills to take these interests to new levels, whether as a form of personal expression or to enrich other fields of study. In an ever-increasing visual world, our Studio and Art History programs provide crucial tools for understanding the power of images, exploring why works of art are made and why art has played such a significant role in cultures and societies throughout history. Our students love their work here and have gone on to prosper in various jobs and graduate programs, whether it be in Art Therapy, museum work or street art.

New York Trip - Artist Studio Nick Miller and Daniella SnyderFrom curating shows to exhibiting your own work, we promote dynamic student research and creative activity by engaging the diverse and rich world of artistic expression. Working with objects first-hand is key, with numerous field trips to major museums in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. as well as an extended visit to New York City. Our majors and minors will be encouraged to expand their learning through Study Abroad for one or even two semesters.

Student Juried Exhibition - Inayah with work-2Studio majors learn the technical and conceptual skills to develop and professionally exhibit their own body of work, including a digital portfolio and artist’s statement, with faculty experts and facilities in drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking and photography. You will have numerous chances to exhibit and discuss your artwork in a variety of spaces, from Introductory class work in the West Gallery to a competitive Juried Show in Schmucker Art Gallery, which includes awards. Seniors have their own private studios and work with a Graphic Designer on a professionally-produced Capstone catalog for their senior exhibition.

Wonders Show installationAs an Art History major, you’ll develop skills in visual analysis, historical research, writing and public speaking as well as curation and exhibition display. You will learn from faculty experts in Asian Art, African American Art and Art of the African Diaspora, 19th-century America and the Italian Renaissance. Our students regularly carry out original research on works in Musselman Library’s Special Collections and have curated a vast range of exhibitions and objects, from Renaissance prints by Albrecht Dürer to polariods by Andy Warhol to an Ethiopian magic scroll in a Chamber of Wonders. Senior Capstone-2017- Farouk SpeakingArt History seniors craft their own senior thesis research topic with funding available for travel and professionally present their work as part of an Art History Symposium to the campus public. You'll be prepared for graduate study in Art History or Museum Studies or a career in a range of fields.