Classics Major
Classics Major Check Sheet - Effective with the Class of 2018
Classics Major Check Sheet - Effective with the Class of 2022
*Students from the Class of 2020 and 2021 should refer to the 2018 Check Sheet and see the Department Chair.
New Classical Studies Major
The new Classical Studies Major is open to students starting with those in the graduating class of 2021 (current juniors).
Because Classical Studies is multidisciplinary, the major includes a number of courses cross listed with History, Anthropology, WGS, Art History, and Philosophy in addition to Latin and Greek language courses and Latin and Greek Literature and culture courses.
The NEW major allows students to complete the Classical Studies major with or without Latin or Greek study. Students who learn Latin or ancient Greek can include in the major Latin 102 and Greek 102 and any Latin (LAT) or Greek (GRK) literature courses focused on reading Classical authors in their original languages, or add a Latin or Greek minor to their program (with approval from the department). Students who choose language study other than Latin or Greek can also major in Classical Studies.
I. 9 CLA, Latin, or Greek courses:
- Any CLA 100-level courses and ANTH 106: students may count up to 2;
- Latin 102 and Greek 102: students may count both (not required);
- CLA, Latin, or Greek courses at the 200 or 300 level and above: at least 1 must be at the 300-level.
II. 1 Extra-disciplinary Approach Course: ANTH 221, 227, 300; ENG 299, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 221, 223, 310, 312, 315, 316, 317; ES 230; HIST 208, 300; POL 102; REL 204, 205; THA 203; or other course approved by the Department.
III. Capstone Seminar or approved CLA 464 or other approved 400-level course.
Classical Studies Minor
Six courses are required: Any Classical Studies course beyond the 100-level, or any Greek or Latin course at any level. May include two from the following: CLA 103, 104, 130, CLA/HIST 102, ANTH 106.
Greek Minor
A minor in Greek (GRK) shall consist of any six courses at any level; OR any five courses in Greek (GRK) at any level, plus one course in Classics (CLA) at any level. (See course offerings under “Greek.”)
Latin Minor
Any six courses in Latin (LAT) at any level; OR any five courses in Latin (LAT) at any level, plus one course in Classics (CLA) at any level. (See course offerings under “Latin.”)