Honor Societies for Economics Majors
There are two honor society options for Economics students:
Omicron Delta Epsilon
This organization is the national economics honorary society. Students can be considered for membership once they have achieved the following:
- Taken at least four courses in Economics, including two Introductory Economics courses (103 and 104), and the two Intermediate Theory courses (243 and 245).
- Achieved a grade point average of 3.2 or above in the major, and 3.1 or above overall.
Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE) and the economics department jointly sponsor numerous lectures by visiting economists during the academic year; ODE also implements frequent informal roundtable discussions on contemporary economic issues. In addition, select ODE members from Gettysburg participate in undergraduate economics conferences where students present their own papers to their peers from other colleges.
Pi Lambda Sigma
Economics majors are also eligible for membership in this social science honorary society. To be eligible, students must have completed at least 5 courses in the major and achieved an overall grade point average of 3.1.