Global Study
Global study, both here in the U.S. and abroad, is an integral part of the educational experience offered at Gettysburg College. Global study is something the Education Program strongly encourages and hopes to put in reach for all students. To this end the Program has established an agreement with the DIS - Study Abroad in Copenhagen to enable students to substitute coursework taken there for some educational studies requirements (typically DIS coursework is substituted for Education 340). Students may also choose to explore global study opportunities through their major or through other programs; while it may be difficult to replace educational studies requirements with global study courses, it is often possible to substitute courses taken through an CGE program for other curricular requirements. Students interested in global study should consult with an Education Advisor and make an appointment with the Center for Global Education (CGE) office as well.
Community Based Learning
Students are strongly encouraged to become active members of the Gettysburg and Adams County communities during their time at the College. Many courses offered in the Program are connected to community engagement experiences, but students are also able to explore such opportunities outside of class as well. The Education Program partners with several community organizations in and beyond Gettysburg to provide these opportunities and the program also works closely with the Center for Public Service (CPS) to ensure that students become engaged in community life as much as possible. Throughout these community-based engagement experiences students find voice and the power to find solutions for issues that are important to them as they continually explore community work, advocacy, and as well as challenge themselves to think critically and act compassionately. In 2021, Dr. Divonna Stebick was appointed as the second Director of Community Based Learning and Research signaling, once again, the program's commitment to expanding learning opportunities not only for students here at the College but for members of the larger Gettysburg community as well. For more information on service learning opportunities, talk to your advisor or visit the website of the Center for Public Service.