Georges Lieber Essay Contest

Fifth Annual Georges Lieber Essay Contest on Resistance

Image grid displaying photos of the Holocaust

Georges Lieber, at the age of 16, prided himself on being part of the French resistance. Perhaps because of that involvement, he and his family were identified and taken by the Nazis, and on July 3, 1944, Georges was deported to Auschwitz, where he was murdered. To make a blessing of Georges Lieber’s memory, please articulate an issue on or of resistance that you have encountered and analyze what it has taught you about resistance and yourself. Note that the most engaging essays often reflect deeply on a particularly meaningful experience or episode in one’s life. That approach could focus on resistance pertaining to:

  • A personal issue
  • A family matter
  • An academic inquiry
  • A dilemma in literature or film
  • A recent article or editorial in a major newspaper
  • A current conflict in American life
  • An international crisis


Email your essay, with “Georges Lieber” as the subject, to the Jewish Studies Committee at Gettysburg College:


In 3,000 words, you are encouraged to raise questions, single out issues, and identify dilemmas involving resistance. Essays may be written in the formal or informal tone, but most importantly, an individual voice should be evident. The essay should be developed from your point of view and may be biographical, historical, literary, philosophical, psychological, sociological or theological. It must be the original, unpublished work of one student. Only one essay per student per year may be submitted. It must have a title, and must be written in English. Essay should be titled, typed in 12-point font easily readable font (such as Times New Roman), double-spaced with 1” margins and numbered pages. Submissions will be judged anonymously, by the Gettysburg College Jewish Studies Committee. (We have heavily relied on the language from the Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics essay contest.)


Registered high school students—first-year through senior—during the spring 2024 semester.


8:00 p.m. EST, April 17, 2024

Awards and Prizes

Award Prize
First Prize $1,000
Second Prize $750
Third Prize $500
Two Honorable Mentions $250 Each

Essay Contest Winners – 2024

First Place

Kira Good “A Resistance of Hope”

Second Place

Veronica Garcia “Korean Cultural: From Attempted Erasure to Global Sensation”

Third Place

Rebecca Venger “Resisting the Time, Restoring the Glory”

Honorable Mentions

  • Zachary Rubin “Resistance, the Graveyard, and Parables of Life”
  • Kaitlyn McIlroy “This is my Life”