Study abroad is almost always a very rewarding experience. It is an experience that students say changes their lives. Medical schools generally view a study abroad experience very favorably. With careful planning, it is possible for Gettysburg College premedical students to study abroad.
There are several important factors to consider:
- Generally, studying abroad is a junior year experience. However, for certain students, the sophomore year or the fall of the senior year may be preferable.
- While studying abroad, most students do not take the premed requirements. This is because it is logical to study the culture and possibly the language of the country you are visiting. In addition, it is difficult to find courses at foreign universities that fulfill exact science requirements for US medical schools.
- Non-science majors may have more study abroad options. For example, it is easier for English majors to find courses required for their major than it is for chemistry majors.
- Careful thought must be given to when to take the MCAT and when to apply to medical school. For example, many students take the MCAT in the spring of their junior year, and then apply to medical school that June for admission in the fall after graduating from Gettysburg. For these students, it is not possible to study abroad during the spring of the junior year, unless the MCAT is taken at one of a few international test sites.
Be sure to stop by the Center for Global Education for more information about study abroad opportunities.