Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Awards in Spanish
Presented to two senior Spanish majors for academic excellence in Spanish and outstanding involvement in Hispanic activities.
Robert E. Curtis Award
Established by Margaret Curtis ’52, George White, and the members of the Education Department, in honor of Robert E. Curtis, who served as a faculty member in the Department of Education from 1987–2000, to be presented to two qualified, worthy, and promising students, one in elementary and one in secondary education, who have distinguished themselves in student teaching.
Delta Phi Alpha Prize
Awarded to the outstanding student for the year in the Department of German.
Malcolm R. Dougherty Mathematical Award
Established by the Columbian Cutlery Company, Reading, Pennsylvania, in memory of Malcolm R. Dougherty ’42, to be awarded to the student who had the highest average in mathematics during their first year of college and who is working to earn part of their college expenses.
Dr. Carl Arnold Hanson, President Emeritus, Leadership Award
The income from a fund contributed by his wife, Anne Keet Hanson, friends and alumni, in honor of Dr. Carl Arnold Hanson, President of Gettysburg College from 1961-1977, is awarded to a student who has achieved at least a 3.0 average in their major through the middle of their junior year and who has demonstrated significant leadership abilities in one or more areas of college life as determined by the faculty.
East Asian Studies Awards
Presented to two seniors who have done exemplary work in Chinese Studies and Japanese Studies, as measured by completion of a senior thesis, grade point average in East Asian Studies courses, and participation in East Asian Studies co-curricular activities.
Dwight D. Eisenhower Society/R. M. Hoffman Family Memorial Prize in Economics
Created by the R. M. Hoffman Family Memorial Trust through the Dwight D. Eisenhower Society in memory of Gettysburg businessman R. M. Hoffman. Awarded to the student writing the best quantitative paper or project (with public policy implications) in economics.
Dwight D. Eisenhower Society/R. M. Hoffman Family Memorial Prize in Management
Created by the R. M. Hoffman Family Memorial Trust through the Dwight D. Eisenhower Society in memory of Gettysburg businessman R. M. Hoffman. Awarded to an outstanding senior in the organization and management studies department.
Award for Excellence in Theory and Practice in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Given to a senior major for outstanding achievement in the study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies theories and for the action on behalf of under-served groups.
Margaret E. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Award
Created by Dr. Nelson F. Fisher ’18 in memory of his mother, to be awarded to a male student who excels in one or more varsity sports and who achieves the highest academic average among winners of varsity letters.
Lena S. Fortenbaugh Memorial Prize in German
Established by the children of Lena S. Fortenbaugh, who taught German at Gettysburg College for many years, and Robert Fortenbaugh, professor of history at the College from 1923–1959. Awarded to a senior with outstanding achievement in the study of German language and culture.
French Cultural Counselor’s Award
Established by the cultural counselor of the French Embassy, to be awarded to a senior for outstanding achievement in French.
Holly Gabriel Memorial Award
Established by friends and classmates of Holly Gabriel ’78, to be awarded to a senior sociology major who demonstrates superior academic achievement, concern for the welfare of others, and the intent to continue this service beyond graduation.
Samuel Garver Latin Prize
Created by the Rev. Austin S. Garver (1869) in memory of his father, to be awarded to the student who has made the greatest progress in Latin during the first year of college.
Samuel Garver Greek Prize
Created by the Rev. Austin S. Garver (1869) in memory of his father, to be awarded to the student who has made the greatest progress in Greek during the first year of college
Gettysburg College Award in Athletics
Awarded to a female student who excels in one or more varsity sports and who achieves the highest academic average among winners of varsity letters.
Gettysburg College Award in History
Awarded to the female senior who has reached a high level of achievement in the field of history.
Gettysburg College Premedical Award
This award is presented to a worthy female senior accepted by a recognized medical college.
Gettysburg College Senior Prize
Awarded to a female senior who exemplifies commitment to community and concern for the welfare of others during the student’s years at Gettysburg College and who shows promise of future accomplishment in support of community, state, and nation.
Gettysburg College Student Leadership Award
Awarded to a female senior whose enthusiasm, energy, and contributions in student affairs demonstrated outstanding leadership.