
Social forces shape everything around you. As a sociology major or minor, you’ll examine the power of social structure and interaction as a shaping force for the experiences of individuals, groups, and society.

You’ll analyze social structures and processes to develop a greater understanding of social change and global and local diversity. Your course topics will focus on:

  • Social inequalities, with a focus on race, ethnicity, class, gender, or sexuality
  • Social institutions, like family, media and medicine
  • Social problems and forces, including diaspora, environment and tourism
  • Sociological theories and theoretical traditions
  • Research methodologies and data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative
  • Independent research development and presentation

Sociology majors and minors learn how to think critically and ethically, communicate clearly for multiple audiences, and hone analytical and investigative skills in order to re-envision the world around them to improve the lives of others.

Sociology students routinely make use of the abundant opportunities on offer at Gettysburg College, including leadership with the Gettysburg Social Sciences Review, experiential learning via the Center for Public Service, and study abroad through the Center for Global Education. Many also conduct independent and collaborative research with faculty under the auspices of a Kolbe Fellowship or a Digital Humanities Fellowship. Recent students have studied amatonormativity in Disney Princess films; racism and assimilation in Sweden; and Chinatown tourism around the globe.