At Gettysburg College, the 50th Reunion is one of the most significant celebrations hosted on campus.
Members of the honored class come together to commemorate shared experiences—a distinguished education, inspiring mentors, and lifelong friendships. While reunions are often associated with looking back, the 50th milestone enables the class to look forward. Inspired by Gettysburg's motto of “Do Great Work,” each class leaves a legacy that will benefit the College for years to come.
Classmates join forces to conduct a 50th Reunion fundraising campaign, looking back at the great work the class has done and using it as an inspiration to give to the College, ensuring the great work continues. It is an energetic, collaborative effort to which every member of the class has an opportunity to contribute. Nothing embodies the spirit of Gettysburg, nor demonstrates alumni loyalty, more than the 50th Reunion Class Gift campaign.
On this page:
What is Celebrated in the 50th Reunion Gift Total?
Annual Giving: Gifts and five-year pledges for the Gettysburg Fund, Orange & Blue Club and other current operations funds, that are made during the 50th reunion year (June 1 – May 31).
Capital and Endowment Gifts: Gifts, pledge payments and five-year pledges made between June 1 following the 45th reunion and May 31 of the 50th reunion year.
Planned Gifts, Irrevocable: Documented irrevocable planned gift commitments received between June 1 following the 45th reunion and May 31 of the 50th reunion year will be counted at face value. This includes charitable remainder annuity trusts, unitrusts, charitable gift annuities, and other appropriate arrangements.
Planned Gifts, Revocable: Documented bequests, IRA and qualified retirement plan beneficiary designations, charitable remainder trusts with revocable remainder interests, and other appropriate arrangements received between June 1 following the 45th reunion and May 31 of the 50th reunion year will be counted at face value.
50th Reunion Class Gift Goal
- 50th Reunion Class Gift Goal: $7 million
- $1,000,000 for Annual Giving (includes five-year pledges)
- $2,250,000 in Planned Gifts (documented between June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2025)
- $3,750,000 in Capital and Endowment Gifts, (includes five-year pledges made between June 1, 2020 and May 31, 2025)
- Participation Goal: 50% (140 donors)
50th Reunion Class Gift Priorities
Annual Giving
Gifts and pledges for the Gettysburg Fund, Orange & Blue Club and other current operations funds that are made between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025 will count towards the 50th Reunion Class Gift. Pledges can be made for a total of 5 years (reunion year plus the subsequent four years).
Annual Giving impacts every student, every day. It helps keep the core academic program robust and current, supports scholarships and financial aid, and funds student-faculty research programs, athletic opportunities, and many hands-on learning experiences. It allows Gettysburg to address areas of greatest need, enabling the College to respond to changes in the economic and educational landscape in ways that best serve our students.
Your reunion year is the perfect time to join the Cupola Society with a gift of $2,500 or more. The generosity of Cupola Society members deeply impacts the College and sets an example of leadership to inspire others.
Capital and Endowment Gifts
All outright gifts, 5-year pledges, and pledge payments starting June 1 following the 45th Reunion will count towards the 50th Reunion Class Gift.
The Class of 1975 Technology Fund
Established during the 25th Reunion to support technology in the classroom. Specifically, the endowment supports faculty development and training in innovative uses of technology for teaching and learning.
The Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship
Recognizing the need for endowed scholarships at Gettysburg College, The Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship Fund was started during the 45th Reunion. The earnings of the fund will be awarded for the first time during the 50th Reunion year to a student maintaining a satisfactory grade point average.
Endowed Funds
Endowed Funds provide a source of permanent funding for Gettysburg College. When establishing an endowed fund, donors have the opportunity to choose which College priorities they wish to support. Examples of current priorities, based on the Strategic Direction include:
• Scholarships: need-based and merit-based
• High-impact Learning Experiences: internships, study abroad, summer research
• Athletics: equipment needs, coaching positions, team travel
• Faculty Recruitment and Retention: professorships, research, curricular innovation, professional development
College priorities supported by endowed funds are supported in perpetuity by the annual distribution of earnings. Annual earnings available to fund an endowment’s purpose(s) are calculated in accordance with the annual spending draw formula established by the Board of Trustees.
Capital Gifts
Capital Gifts are used to enhance the physical plant and these funds support specific building and renovation projects, equipment needs, and other campus enhancements. Generally, naming recognition for a facility or equipment requires a gift equal to at least fifty percent of the cost of the facility or project. Smaller enhancements or equipment may require full funding.
Planned Gifts
IRREVOCABLE: Irrevocable planned gift commitments documented between June 1 following the 45th Reunion and May 31 of the 50th Reunion year (a five-year period) will be counted at face value. This includes charitable remainder annuity trusts, unitrusts, charitable gift annuities, and other appropriate arrangements.
REVOCABLE: Bequests, IRA and qualified retirement plan beneficiary designations, charitable remainder trusts with revocable remainder interests, and other appropriate arrangements documented between June 1 following the 45th Reunion and May 31 of the 50th Reunion year (a five-year period) will be counted at face value.
Please note: Specific bequests and provisions designating all or a portion of the rest and remainder of an estate are eligible to be counted. Bequests must be documented by providing the College with written confirmation that Gettysburg is included in a Last Will & Testament or Living Trust. The estimated value of a remainder bequest may be counted, but one must submit this estimation to the College in writing. Contingent testamentary provisions are not counted.
Those who document their estate commitments with the College are welcomed into The 1832 Society, which honors the generosity of donors who have named Gettysburg College in creative and thoughtful gift plans.
Ways to Give
Make a Gift Now
Gettysburg College always welcomes gifts made with cash, check, or credit card.
Make a gift using appreciated securities or mutual funds you have held more than one year and reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer.
At 70 ½ years or older, you can give up to $100,000/year from your IRA directly to Gettysburg without having to pay incomes taxes on the funds. If you are at least 72 years old, you can use your gift to satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution.
Make a Gift Now and Receive Income
Support Gettysburg and boost your retirement income. CGAs can provide you and/or your spouse with regular payments and allow us to further our work through your gift of cash or securities. Your gift can also qualify for other tax benefits, including a federal income tax charitable deduction, when you itemize.
CRTs can provide tax efficient asset diversification, convert assets to income, offer measured wealth transfer to family, and more. The unitrust pays you, each year, a variable amount based on a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the trust assets. The amount of your payments is re-determined annually.
Make a Future Gift Through Your Estate Plans
A meaningful way to support future generations of students while maintaining flexibility in case your needs change. In as little as one sentence, you can make a gift that helps ensure what you love about Gettysburg today continues tomorrow. Federal and/or state death tax savings may result from a bequest to Gettysburg.
Name Gettysburg as a beneficiary of your IRAs and retirement plans, life insurance policies, commercial annuities, and/or bank or brokerage account. By designating Gettysburg the beneficiary of your retirement plan, you remove one of the most heavily taxed assets from your estate, leaving lower taxed assets to your heirs.
A gift of real estate through your will or living trust may allow you to support the College and its mission with a larger gift than might otherwise be possible during your lifetime. In as little as one sentence or two, you can ensure that your support for Gettysburg continues after your lifetime. All gifts of real estate require a detailed review and formal acceptance by Gettysburg College’s Board of Trustees, and should be made in close consultation with your advisors and College staff.
50th Reunion Giving College Advancement Staff
Please contact 50th Reunion Giving College Advancement staff to learn more about philanthropic opportunities and ways to give at Gettysburg College.
DIRECTOR OF REUNION GIVING: Hannah King, 717-337-6515,
DIRECTOR OF GIFT PLANNING: Jane Moore, 717-337-6483,